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Sydney's POV

I stared at my phone, wanting to call Amy. But I was torn. I felt a constant anxiousness in my chest, reminding me that it was too good to be true.

I heard the front door's motion activated and saw Miley trying to sneak her way in. "Miley?" I called for her.

She turned to me with an embarrassed grin on her face. "Hey, Mom, I was just stopping by to grab a few things."

"I'm glad to see that you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine." She walked towards me. "It all kinda feels foolish now, honestly."

"How so?" I asked.

Miley sat down beside me. "I'm still mad, don't get me wrong."

"I assumed as much since you're still at your Grandma's."

"I'm just trying to understand what's happening," she said.

"You've been talking to your Dad alot?"

Miley shrugged. "I guess a little more than usual. He hasn't been holding up too well."

"Do you plan on moving closer to him after high school?" It was a thought that lingered constantly on my mind.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to figure everything out."

"But you're still mad at me?"

"Kinda," she said.

"I'm not going to try to explain myself again. I do have sympathy for your Dad. He didn't deserve any of it. But I'm done feeling guilty." I squeezed my daughter's shoulder and stood. "It's good to see you alive, kid. Answer the phone next time I call, will you?"

"Uh, sure, Mom." Miley headed to the stairs. "He really didn't deserve it. But I know that you didn't intentionally hurt him."

"I had no hands in what happened, Miley. It was a complete coincidence."

"I know that, Mom. Doesn't hurt Dad any less."

"Miley," I called for her. "Amelia's someone I never thought I'd see again. I refuse to be punished for something I had no control over."

Miley sighed. "You're seeing her, aren't you?"

I could feel my heart thumping. "I, I, I've reached out to her, yes."

"That's why I'm mad, Mom. You shouldn't have anything to do with her after what she did!"

"She can't be punished forever either, Miley."

"She shouldn't have strung Dad along. You weren't there at the altar when she disappeared! Dad was so embarrassed and heartbroken. We had to tell everyone that the wedding was off. I had to hold him while he cried and cried for her. I've never seen him cry like that. And I doubt he wanted me to. But it was horrible, Mom. I would never do that to someone!"

"Sure, you'd just marry someone for the sake of sparing their feelings."

I could see Miley fuming from her ears. "That's not what I meant!"

"Miley, your Dad didn't need another failed marriage. I think Amelia saved them both the trouble."

"No, she saved herself so that she could be with you! You don't think I know what's going on? I saw how she looked at you that day in the store. I've heard Grandma talking about you and her. I can't believe that you would—"

"Do something for myself? Be with someone I've loved and missed since I was fifteen? I can't change that fact that she might be the love of my life. I've always thought so. For twenty years. Failed relationships after relationships. She's the only one I couldn't stop—"

"Mom, stop! I don't want to hear any of this. I want to grab my things and go."

I could feel the tears falling from my eyes. "Suit yourself, Miley. You'll be off to college in a couple of months. I still have my own life to live, whether you like it or not."

"Whatever, Mom!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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