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Amelia's POV

I went back to our hotel room, sat in the empty bathtub and cried until I couldn't anymore. "Amelia?" I heard my mother's call. But I had no strength to say a word. "Amelia, honey." She walked into the bathroom and noticed me. "I'm assuming that it didn't go as well as I thought it would."

She sat on the edge of the tub and looked carefully at me. "Why? Why bring me here?" I finally managed to speak. She reached for my face and sighed.

"Because I want you to be happy."

"Happy?" It almost felt unfamiliar—to be happy. The last two months had been a rollercoaster for me. My feelings for Daniel seemed to slowly be disappearing. And the confusion I felt about my feelings for Syd grew deeper as the days went on. Seeing her today made me realize how much I wanted her to be in my life, whether as a lover or just a friend. I wanted her, in whatever way she'd have me.

But how could I?

We both seemed to carry guilt on our shoulders. And that guilt made us think that we didn't deserve each other, not even as friends.

"I've been talking to her mother for a while now," my mother confessed. "We like the idea of you two together."

"Really?" I lacked enthusiasm for my mother's approval. "Is that how you recognized her in Hawaii?"

"Yes. We've been emailing and sending pictures to each other. It's nice to catch up with her. She found me on facebook last year."

"How nice." I turned my attention to the wall and closed my eyes. "If I'd never turned her down back then, would you have accepted us then too?"

She ran her hand along my back soothingly. "I'd like to think I would have."

"I did like her." My confession seemed unnecessary. But to finally admit it, an unexpected relief washed over me.

"I know, honey."

"I was scared. I still am. I've only every thought about her that way. I never felt that way for another woman. Not even a man, I don't think."

"She's special to you."

"How can I still feel this way about someone even after so long?"

"That's love, honey. You love her."

I shook my head. "We've kissed, barely. How can I love someone I barely know?"

"Then get to know her again."

"I can't. It's too complicated now."

"Maybe Daniel was your way back to her. Think about it that way."

I sat up and looked at my mother's smile. "It's not that easy, Mom. She won't. I know she won't, no matter how hard I try."

"Then try even harder. Maybe a relationship is a stretch. Try being her friend. Mend your friendship. And if you decide to take the next step, go for it. And if not, at least you'll have your best friend in your life again."

I considered the possibility of us being friends again. And with that, an image of her beautiful face crossed my mind. I didn't have anything left to look forward to in my life, but being able to spend time with Syd, even for a few minutes at a time, would mean the world to me.

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