First Tale - Morning with Tilroo and Parla

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Yaaaawn... That was a nice sleep... wait, where am I? Still feeling sleepy, I looked around as hard as I could before remembering something.

... Oh yeah... I'm in my new room now. Houskey basically tucked me in last night. I still can't believe that I'm the master for these Dragonmaids now.

I look down to see a pair of fuzzy slippers on the floor. Not gonna lie, it'll feel weird, but might as well. I wore them and the morning robe that I found hanging nearby, before opening the door leading to the balcony.

The view is just... wow. A large garden, plenty of sunshine, and even a couple of statues. I even see Parla cutting some bushes from the distance. And I still can't believe that I'm in another world as well...

As I keep admiring the view, I heard the door knocked, which I simply yelled "Come in!". The door opens as Tilroo enters the room before going right next to me.

"Good morning, Master." She greeted. "Enjoying the view?"

"Yeah. Still can't believe that I'm in another world... I couldn't see any skyscrapers even in the distance." I admitted, and while she briefly tilted her head, she then giggled.

"Anyway Master, allow me to escort you to the dining room." She said. I turned around and smiled at her. She might've made me some breakfast, so that's why she's here.

"Go ahead." And with that, we both head out of my room and head off to the dining room.

~~ >> ~~

And now we're here at said dining room. The table in the middle is too long, and there's like a dozen of seats with it. Looking at one of the seats, there are food already prepared on the table, which I assumed that it's my breakfast. When I sat down, I look closely at what kind of food that she made: it's a plate of toast and scrambled eggs mixed with sausage slices with a side of... cherry juice?

"Whoa..." It's my initial response. Sure it's kinda basic, but I'll take that over eating noodles and tacos every morning. I took a bite on the egg...

... IT'S SO GOOD! My eyes widened by how good it is! I started to pick up my pace and ate more and more of the egg, but I stopped after hearing a giggle from Tilroo.

"My my, I'm glad that you enjoyed my cooking, Master." She said. Aaaand I felt embarrassed because of that. I continued eating albeit slowly this time, while Tilroo leaves me while saying, "I'll prepare the seconds!"

And that's how I got a bit chubbier after eating only noodles and tacos in the past.

~~ >/< ~~

Tilroo's POV,

I'm happy that Master is enjoying my food, even if it's quite basic. But, why do I feel that it's not enough? He's already happy, but deep down something kept him from truly enjoying himself. I'll make sure that his lunch and dinner will lift his spirit from whatever kept his happiness soon.

~~ >> ~~

After the second serving of the breakfast, I think I want to explore the Chateau for a bit, because it's also a good way to burn some calories. When I leave the dining room, Parla came to me thanks to some sheer coincidence. Guess she's done with the gardening.

"Good morning, Master." She greeted, which I greeted back.

"I'm gonna explore the chateau for a bit." I told my plan to her.

"Then may I accompany you?" She asked, and while I can just explore alone, I really can't turn down a girl's request.

"Sure! I don't mind some company." I said, and with that, the two of us walked together, exploring the big Chateau while occasionally stretching my arms. But on one time, she grabbed my hand and gets closer to me, which I get alarmed by it because I felt her... assets.

"Embarrassed, Master?~" She teased while giggling. Obviously! That's a thing of not able to turn down a girl's request, but it's another when said girl went on teasing you like that!

"N-nope!" I faked my bravado but I can feel that she's not falling for it. "It's just a bit sudden, that's all!"

She giggled again and released my arm, which I silently thanked her. I'll just keep my arm shut and not doing anymore stretching. But even so, she kept walking next to me, and I'm scared that she might do it again despite me keeping my arm shut.

"Say, Master?" Parla then begins to ask. "From what I've heard from our head maid, you had a horrible life before. Can you elaborate, Master?" So Houskey told them the basic of it huh. Well, I guess I can elaborate a bit.

"Basically I got dropped out, got fired, got dumped, and got disowned, all in a day. Even before that, I worked hard, but I guess it wasn't enough." I explained, leaving out the people involved because I really don't want to dabble more than what I can say. I looked at Parla who listened to it and simply nod at it.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Master." She empathized.

"It's alright. But hey, I'm here now thanks to Houskey, and I really want to repay her for bringing me up from my dropping point." I said. Yeah, I already thanked her before, but I want to repay her kindness soon. Maybe being a butler would do, but I'm a Master to them, so...

But my train of thoughts stopped when both of us at the front of a room.

"Oh right, Master. May I measure your body for a bit?" Parla said. So I guess the room in front of me is the tailor room. Now that I mentioned it, I don't have any other clothes.

"Um... sure." I said, and we both go inside. There, she grabbed a measuring tape and measures my body, which I thanked her that she didn't make it way too awkward. After a while, she asked me to leave as she's going to prepare some clothes for me, which I do so, but not before thanking her audibly for her help. Now that I'm alone again, I think I want to see the other Dragonmaids, so I started walking again, but with the occasional stretching now that Parla's not with me.

~~ >\< ~~

Parla's POV,

While it was fun teasing him, I can feel that Master is still sad after all of that in the past. The Head Maid already told us to lift his spirit in anyway we can, but I suppose that my ways aren't enough. I guess I have to step it up a bit.

But for now, I have to work on his clothes, at least for tonight. I can ask the Rikkas to do it, but I want to give him a welcoming gift from me. Now then, it's time to work.

(The next chapter will feature Laudry and Nasary!
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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