Twelfth Tale - Strolling with Chame...?

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Well... after Laudry lost the bet to Chame, I'm now walking with Chame around the gardens. Honestly, this is nice. But I'm still kind of afraid of what Chame would do. You never know if she might try doing something weird.

"This feels nice, Master." Well, it is. I'm still cautious of whatever you're going to do with me. "The Naturias and Rikkas tended the gardens, while the Weather Painters always make sure that every day is the same beautiful weather for our garden." Oh, are those the monsters that lived here? So the rock I saw earlier is a Naturia then.

"And this garden is a wonderful place for us to have tea, watch the Winged Beasts flying by, and pledge my personal servitude to you~" Wait, what was the last part?

"Chame?" I want to ask her, but she just smiled at me.

"Master... you're weak yet kind, like Master James. You never overly indulge our hospitality and always enjoy being together with us maids." This is getting creepy now... "Which is why, I want to pledge my servitude to you, my Master~" Gwah! She pinned me onto a pillar! Those eyes... they were like an obsessive girlfriend kind of look!

"Chame!" I tried to snap her out of it, but she's too strong!

"Hehe~ Master~" Chame, please, snap out of it! "Allow me to pledge my servitude to you~" Oh no, her face is getting closer...

Wait, she's trying to kiss me! Is that how it works?!

No. No no no no no! I don't want my first kiss being stolen by Chame! I want to do it with someone special! Someone like... Raye...

"Chame?" Oh thank goodness! Houskey! She's here to save me!

"H-head maid..." Chame then loosen her pin on me, giving me a chance to get away from her and went straight behind Houskey.

"Were you trying to form a pledge of personal servitude to Master?" Houskey asked the now stuttering Maid. Guess she really caught off guard by Houskey's appearance.

"Head maid... I truly wanted to do this." Chame said. "I wish to become his personal Maid. I want to tend all of his needs, even his personal ones." Wait, when you said personal... Okay, I better stop now.

"Chame..." Houskey shakes her head. "We all are tending Master's needs right now, not just yourself. What you were trying to do is making Master uncomfortable. Have you forgotten that Master is fallen for miss Raye?" Hold on, did she knew? Well, she can read my mind, but is it that obvious?

"I..." Well, Chame is still trying to reason why she wanted to pledge onto my servitude.

"Remember our duty, Chame. Our Master's happiness over everything else." So that's their duty... I guess I'm still glad that I came here.

".... I understand, Head Maid." Chame then bowed towards me and apologized, "I'm truly sorry, Master. I won't attempt to do that again." Now I feel bad for her. Sure, she went crazy for me, but I don't think it's because she's actually crazy or anything.

"Chame, wait." I stopped her for leaving, as she's sees me while being surprised about it. I get close to her, and this time, I'm not afraid of her. Well... mainly because Houskey's with me.

I then reach my hand to her head, and pat it.

"M-master?" Chame said. Guess now she's caught off guard by me this time.

"Whenever I call for you, will you come and help me by then?" I said to her. Mainly to assure her that she can still help me as a Maid, but also because I don't want her to feel left out by everyone else. And sure enough, I see her smiling.

"Y-yes, Master! I shall help you with whatever you need!" And thank goodness that she's happy now. I stopped patting her head and let her walk away, but not before bowing to the two of us and left. Now that she's gone, it's just me and Houskey together.

"Your kindness knows no bounds, Master." Aww, I was just trying to repay you for bringing me here. A Master should help their Maids too, y'know. "If anything, you're almost the same as former Master James." Ah yeah... about that. I want to know about him, like who he is or how did he get to the Chateau in the past. Seemed like he's a great guy too.

"Well, I'm afraid that I can't tell you the extensive details about Master James, but all I can say is that he's just like you; A human who is kind beyond boundary." Well, guess I can understand him from that. I won't ask you or anyone else anymore about him.

"It is getting late. Shall we return back, Master?" Huh, it is already getting late. In that case, let's go back home. I'm starving.

"Fufu~ You have gotten used to Tilroo's cooking, Master." Oh shuddup! 

~~ >/Houskey's POV/< ~~

It's a good thing that I've intervened Chame's pledge. Otherwise, it'll be difficult for us to keep her at bay. I'm truly sorry, Chame. I know that you still missed James, but again, he's no longer with us. At least, Master (Y/n) assured her that she's still needed like the other maids.

However, I've been thinking. It's been a few days, so how about we try bringing Master to beyond Arch Typeia for tomorrow? I can call Ecclesia and Albaz to accompany him, and I think visiting the Hero City would be ideal. Or maybe the peaceful Cyberse World? I'll just ask him which one to choose.

For now, I will tell him about my plan, and I will assign one of the maids to also accompany him. Whatever his choice will be, I hope he will enjoy exploring them. After all, there is so much to see in the Spirit Monster World. Hopefully, he will find fun and excitement there.

(The next chapter will be the prelude to a new short arc featuring one of the two 'Fields'. Time to explore what lies beyond Arch Typeia!

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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