Seventh Tale - A Flashing Sword Encounter

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So this is Arch Typeia... anywhere I look, there are many different looking monsters. Dragons, robots, living vehicles, humans, and more are crowding the city. Not to mention with the varying looks of buildings, I can get lost in here.

"Please don't be tempted with the surroundings, Master." Ah, right. I still have to go to the Tower of Endymion. Thanks Houskey. "You're welcome, Master."

We keep walking until we stopped at the entrance of a big building. Oh, I almost forgot! One thing that I learned here is that the writings of this world are not the ones that I know of. Good thing that Houskey's with me, otherwise I'd get embarrassed of trying to decipher some runes.

"We've arrived at the Tower of Endymion, Master." She said. So this is it... well, there's no time to waste. I wanna explore more of this city! We enter the Tower and... there are lots of mages here. "This is also the center for many up and coming mages to test their strength, in addition of being the administrative office for Arch Typeia." That's neat. So it doubles as a training dungeon. Maybe if I learn some magic, I can try training here. Wait, did I hear Houskey chuckled?

We stopped in front of a counter, which Houskey translated the sign to 'Registration'. Why do I think like it'll be like those from many Isekai shows that I watched?

"Ah, wait just a moment!" We heard someone from behind the counter. Just as she said, she popped out from under the counter and sees us.

 Just as she said, she popped out from under the counter and sees us

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"Ah. Miss Houskey! It's been a while since you or the other maids come here." She said, and then she noticed me. "Ooh, a Monster I haven't seen before..."

"Err... I'm not a Monster." I admit. The receptionist did a double take, but Houskey confirmed it with a nod.

"Wait, you're a Human?!" Her shout made everyone around us stared at her, but she quickly dismissed them before adjusting her mask. "Miss Houskey, where? When? How? Why?-"

"That's enough." We heard someone new joining us, which I turned to the side and see- oh man.

" We heard someone new joining us, which I turned to the side and see- oh man

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"Master Endymion!" The receptionist said. So he's the Endymion that the Tower is named of? I guess so, since the other mages are kneeling before him.

"At ease, everyone." He said, which the mages returned to their doing. He then looked at me, and not gonna lie, I feel intimidated just by his sheer height. "It's been a while since a Human ever set foot to Arch Typeia. I assume that you're here for the ID?"

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