Second Tale - Afternoon with Laudry and Nasary

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... Not going to lie, this Chateau is way too big. I've been walking for an hour now and I'm still at the first floor. It makes me wonder if there's any previous owner of this place before the Dragonmaids appeared, or that they built one for themselves... then again, they're dragons after all.

As I kept on walking, I heard some tumbling sound nearby. I quickly run there only to see Laudry got fallen onto a pile of laundries.

... and it's cute.

"Aaaahh... those Athletes really are a pain to deal with, especially with their smelly shirts!" She complained while pinching her nose. "Why can't I get to wash the Melodius' instead..." Well, I guess I have to help her, as I go inside the laundry room.

"You okay there?" I asked her, and she instantly looked up in surprise.

"Master!" I can see her eyes gleamed, before pinching her nose again. "Shorry that you shee me like thish..."

"Don't mind about that. Let me help you." I lift up some of the laundries, but... Peeeugh! She's right! It smells so bad, like beyond bad! But I can't back down from that, since I want to help her.

"M-mashter, wait-" Laudry tries to stop me, but I'm not gonna stop.

"Don't worry! I can handle it." I said as I keep holding the smell away. Knowing that I'm holding the clothes now, Laudry also stood up and carries her pile. Together, we lift these clothes into the washing machine and let it do its thing. We both are glad that this is all over.

"It's kind for a shame for us Dragonmaids to let you help me, but thanks!" Laudry thanked me for helping her. While her smile of gratitude is cute and all, her words made me think. Is it their pride that they're feeling shame that I helped her? Or that of an unspoken rule where the Maids do all the stuff and forbid their Master to help them? Neither way, "I'm just glad that it's... all... do-" thud

"Master!" ... Huh... How did this happunn...


Laudry's POV,

Oh no, Master! I quickly run upon him and check if there's anything wrong with him. I may be not Nasary, but we do learned some basic first-aid treatment. His heartbeat is okay, and he doesn't caught a fever, but I don't know what's wrong!

Wait, could it be that he held his breath for so long that he risked himself just to help me?!

Regardless, I quickly turned into my dragon self and lift him up. I have to get him to Nasary quick!

~~ >> ~~

... I'm slowly waking up. Did I just fall asleep? Wait... Oh, I guess I got oxygen depravity after holding my breath for too long. I have to apologize to Laudry for worrying her.

I slowly open my eyes only to see some white curtains around me. If I have to guess, I'm at Nasary's domain.

"Master, you're awake!" From behind the curtain, Nasary came through and looked at me in relief. "You've been passed out for three hours now, but I'm glad that you didn't caught anything serious." She explained. Three hours huh... Guess I really that deprived.

"Where's Laudry? I hope I'm not worrying her too much." I ask her.

"She brought you here before staying for a bit, and then have to leave because of her duties. From what I she told me, you held your breath for so long that you've passed out from oxygen depravity, which is confirmed thanks my examination." Nasary explained in detail. I... really feel guilty for her huh...

"I'm sorry... I was trying to help her, but instead I made her worry for me." I apologized to Nasary, but instead of a scolding that I used to, she patted me on my head and smiled.

"It's alright, Master. For now, just rest. I have to inform our Head Maid about your situation first." She said, before bowing and leaving me alone to rest. First day in my new home, yet I ended up making trouble that made others worry... I never be able to escape from it huh...


Nasary's POV,

As I walked towards our Head Maid's office, I'm thinking of Master. What made him that he even risked himself just to help a mundane task? Something's not right, and it all stem from his past. I have to inform our Head Maid about this.

... Now that I think about it, he never met Chame did he? While she's a bit... unorthodox, but she also longed for a Master like us, just a bit extreme... I'll tell her later then.

Houskey's POV,

I'm currently finishing all of the paperwork that Sir Endymion have requested for proofreading. Sure it was uninteresting, but I like reading and pointing out errors and fixing them. Looking at the clock nearby, I believe it's time to see Master (Y/n), because I know that he gotten well with other Maids here.

knock knock knock!

"Oh, come in." I said, and Nasary came in. Normally, she came to me whenever something urgent came around, and I truly hope that one of it doesn't involve our Master... "Nasary? Is there something urgent?" I asked her, and from the way her eyes moved, I fear that it was the worse.

"Master got passed out from oxygen depravity after helping Laudry." She informed. Oh dear, is he okay?! I even grew my claws by instinct!  "Thankfully, he's recovering and is now awake, but I asked him to rest there." Thank goodness... but... why? I calmed myself before asking her.

"Nasary... Do you know why he did this?" I said, but Nasary shook her head.

"I'm afraid that I don't know. I have to assume that it stems from his past. Something back then pushed him to become reckless at helping people." Nasary said. Her assumption made sense, and just by yesterday, I fear that his past might be far worse than I imagine. But I can't just ask him or even force myself to pry on it. I believe it's time for a Maid Meeting for tonight.

"Nasary, inform the other Maids for a meeting at sundown sharp. Bring Chame as well, because it might concern her as well." I ordered her, and sure enough, she bowed before leaving the office, excusing herself. 

Endymion's papers can wait, because for us Dragonmaids, our Master's wellbeing is far more important than even the Sacred Gods.

(Oiya? The story's got a sharp turn huh...
Don't worry, the last Dragonmaid will debut next.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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