Eleventh Tale - Gaming with Laudry

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Over lunch, the two guests of the Chateau: Ecclesia and Albaz, recalls their story about exploring many places. The more I listen to it, the more I want to go there, especially the Virtual World. They also told their story about how they fought against evil monsters from the abyss, which actually sounds cool. But I then notice that Ecclesia sometime giggle when Albaz told their abyss story. I guess those two had a history together there.

Once we finished our lunch, I lead the two to the main door, because the two are leaving to start exploring again, but they did say that they'll visit the Chateau again in the future. I gave a wave goodbye as they went off to Arch Typeia. Now that they're gone, I think I want to ask Houskey about my plan to explore the Spirit Monster world.

For now, I don't know of what to do... wait, maybe I can just try watching Duetube, I'm just curious of what kind of videos that they have in this world...

"Hi, Master!" Uwagh! Laudry's suddenly greeted me from behind. "Oh, sorry for scaring you, Master!"

"It's alright, Laudry." I replied to her. It's just a sudden scare, that's all. "So what's up?" I then ask her.

"Well, I'm not working right now, so how about we play video games?" Wait, video games are in this world too?! Hold up, they have their Youtube, so video games should exist here as well.

"Sure! I'm curious of what kind of games that this world have." I said, making Laudry smile.

"Then let's go, Master!" And the two of us went off to play games somewhere. Little did I know, someone is watching me from somewhere...

~~ >> ~~

I'm now at the fabled 'Gaming Room' that Laudry led me. It's like how it is in the old world, but the consoles are wildly different in design. I can see some consoles that looked like a Playstation, but other than that, they're completely different than the ones I know of.

"Here, Master!" Laudry then pat a big bean chair next to hers, which I sit there and- Whoa! It feels comfy as heck! "Pick anything you like, Master!" Laudry then show me some of the game cases. While they are different from the ones from the old world, I see some that are similar. But, I decided to choose a racing game that we can play.

"Oh, F.A. Racers then!" She said the name of the game, before putting the disc in. The screen then flared up, as the title of the game shows that also shows multiple athletes in bikes, off-roaders, and even formula cars. From there, Laudry guide me through the menus until we get the character select. While there are few, they looked cool in their futuristic vehicles. I chose the white dragster, because it's the coolest looking in my opinion.

"Then I'll pick Dark Dragster!" Laudry then picked the black dragster. I guess that the two dragsters have a sort of rivalry. We then play the game and then get used to the controls. Surprisingly, I got second while Laudry gets first after the race.

"Hehe! You're still too young to defeat me, Dawn Dragster!" She said with a pose, mimicking the driver on the screen, before stopping herself in embarrassment. Honestly, it was funny and cute.

"Another round then, Laudry?" I asked her, which she quickly nod and we went for another race. But, I heard the door opened wide as we turned around, seeing Chame entering the Gaming Room.

"Hi, Chame! Do you want to play too?" Laudry asked. But from the looks of it, Chame only looked at me instead of the asking Laudry...

Wait, I remembered the time I met her... oh boy, I think I know where this is going.

"Master, can I play games with you?" She said, still looking at me. Of course, Laudry gets upset because she got ignored, but I pat the little Dragonmaid's shoulder as I reply to Chame.

"Sure! But don't forget about Laudry, okay?" I said. Chame then bows before going to another bean chair and grabbing her controller. She then picked the sports bike character and the race starts again. While we're playing, I feel a sense of rivalry between the two Dragonmaids, almost like they're playing with a stake in mind. While Laudry is noticable by her gritting, Chame... she's doesn't react at all... which is kind of creepy.

The race then ends with Chame winning, with me being second again and Laudry at third. Of course, Laudry isn't happy of the result.

"Alright then, best out of three!" She pointed at Chame, which she in turn glares at her.

"Very well. However, if I win, Master will have to spend the rest of the day with me and me alone." Whoa, whoa, whoa! Chame?! What are you saying?!

"Fine! But I'm not going to lose that easily!" Laudry, please! But both of them glare at each other, and I even see sparks coming from their glares.

"Guys, I think you should-"

"Don't disturb me, Master!" Yikes! Those two are going at it. Well, I can't help them at this point, so I backed away and watch the two playing. They're holding the controllers pretty hard while they continue playing the game. Should I cheer them? I want to, but they're too focused on the game, so I just keep on watching. It took some time until the winner is declared, and it's Chame who won the game.

"Noooo!" Laudry wailed. Then, Chame quickly sit by my side and holds my arm, giggling as if she got her prize, which is me...

"As we agreed, I'll be with Master for the rest of the day." She said. I knew I should've just give them a piece of my mind, but what's done is done. I then look Laudry sulking over losing me, so I put my hand on Chame's, making her yelp in surprise of the sudden touch from me, before going to Laudry and pat her head.

"Master?" Laudry said.

"Don't worry, we can still play again later." I said to comfort her. I can hear her humming from my pat. I guess she enjoys it. Do the other maids enjoy headpats too? I guess I'll find out later. Laudry then turned to me with an assuring smile.

"Okay, Master! I'll be waiting!" She said, and her happy face makes me happy too. I then stopped patting before returning back to Chame, as she's bowing. I guess she wants some head pats too, but...

"How about we do that outside?" I said to her, and Chame felt a bit disappointed before nodding.

"Very well, my Master." She said, and returned holding my arm like before. I wave goodbye to Laudry as the two of us left the Gaming Room.

~~>/ Laudry's POV /<~~

What the heck is Chame's deal? She came to the Gaming Room out of nowhere and claimed Master to herself! I know that she's still not moved on from Master James, but I was having fun with the new Master! Ugh...

But, Master is kind. He cheered me up, gave me headpats, and he promised me that we'll play again, just like Master James. I guess, just like him, Master wanted to make us happy in return. In that case, I'll be working extra hard for Master and the other maids, so we can play more in the future!

(In another news, Ecclesia and Albaz got their happy ending! There are still some unanswered questions especially from Aluber and Quem, but I'm happy for the ending for now.

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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