Leo's Jam

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Leo: Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out.

Adam: Oh, great. Do you know a guy who can teach us?

Leo: Me! You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams: Danielle.

Chase: Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?

Leo: Where else is she supposed to put her feet-- on the floor?! Open your notebooks, boys, 'cause class is in session.

(Leo walks over to Danielle)

Leo: Hello, Danielle. Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice. (sits next to her) I'm Leo Dooley.

Danielle: Didn't you send me 87 e-mails?

Leo: Yeah... That was a slow day.

Danielle: Okay, well, see you later, Lenny. (leaves)

Leo: It's Leo, by the way.

Chase: So, Leo... What should I write down in my notebook? I mean, other than "denied".

Adam: No, no, no, you can cheat off of me. I have, "She's not going to the dance with Lenny."

(Bree walks up to them)

Bree: Are you guys talking about the dance too? Why is everybody making such a big deal out of this stupid dance?

Chase: Nobody's asked you yet, have they?

Bree: No! I really wanna go with that guy. His name is Ethan. We sit next to each other in chemistry. Coincidence? I think not. ♪ Chemistry! ♪

Emily: I don't think it's ♪ Chemistry! ♪ considering how you have a new crush on a boy every week.

Bree: *Ignores her* What should I do?

Chase: I got this.

(Chase uses his super hearing to listen to Ethan's conversation across the room)

Chase: He's talking about a girl he thinks is cute.

Ethan: Yeah, Bree's cute and I really like her, but... I don't know how to ask her out, you know?

Chase: Ew! He's talking about you! He's coming over here right now to ask you to the dance.

Bree: What?! No! Now? Why? Really?

(Ethan walks over to them)

Ethan: How's it going?

Chase: Ethan! What a huge surprise! To see you here, for reasons we do not know.

Bree: Hi, Ethan! How... uh, you know.. we... uh, you know... decided... What is that over there?

(Bree points in another direction and super speeds away)

Ethan: Where'd she go?

Emily: Uh, more importantly, what is that over there?

(Adam points in another direction and he, Chase, Leo, and Emily run away)


(in the lab)

(Adam and Leo are fighting with toy robots)

Leo: Okay, you win.

(Chase runs in)

Chase: Hey, guys, I finally figured it out.

Adam: Oh, me too! Do not eat the outside of a pineapple. Ooph! That'll come back to haunt you.

Chase: No. I figured out how to make Danielle like Leo. I recorded her with my bionic hearing. Let me play it back for you.

(Chase inserts a flash drive from his finger into the console and plays the recording)

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