Bionic Birthday Fail

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(in a deserted lot)

Bree: Guys, I have a bad feeling.

Emily: Yeah. Let's get out of here.

(opposers appear and Adam, Bree, Chase, and Emily start fighting them. Adam sends one guy flying through the air, ending the fight)

Rebel Leader: Aaaah!

(an alarm sounds and Adam, Bree, Chase, and Emily are revealed to be in a training simulator in the lab)

Donald: Adam, that was the Rebel Leader. The whole purpose of today's mission simulation was to interrogate him.

Emily: He did, and his answer was, "Aaaaah!"

Adam: No, Emily. It was more of an "Aaaahhhh!

Emily: No. Adam. It was "Aaaaaah!

Adam: No it wasn't.

Emily: Yes it was

Adam: No it wasnt-

Chase: Would you two shut up!?

Bree: Hey, next time could you maybe throw in a cute, blue-eyed rebel? What? I'm just sayin'. It's not gonna kill you to add a little somethin'-somethin' for the ladies.

Emily: Blue eyes aren't my type

Adam: Right, you like boys who's names start with "E" and end with a "Van." *she glares at him* If you couldn't tell, I'm talking about "Evan"-

Emily: I can tell! And I don't "like" like him... He's just my friend.

Chase: Yeah. Emily is WAY too young to date....

Emily: No I'm not. I'm just saying that I don't like Evan like that...

Chase: Well, yeah. But you cant date right now cause you aren't allowed to date right now.

Emily: Uh, says who??

Donald/Chase: Says me!

Donald: I- Chase I got it. Emily you are too young to date and as your father, you cannot date. I forbid it! haha!!! Davenportia reins supreme once more...

Chase: And as your brother, I also forbid it!

Emily: Whatever *eye rolls*

*edit starts here*

Leo: Step aside, amateurs. (grabs goggles) Go ahead, Big D. Set it to "awesome."

Donald: Leo, these goggles are not a toy.

Leo: Come on! My birthday's coming up-Globally known as "Dia De Leo."

Emily: No it's not.

Donald: I designed the mission simulator to fine-tune their bionics, not to go on 3-D joyrides. Besides, you're not trained for it.

Leo: Well, how about as a birthday gift you give me a bionic ability?

Donald: Or I could gift-wrap reality and you could play with that for a while.

Chase: So Leo's having a birthday. What are you, like, nine?

Leo: Fourteen.

Chase: (laughs) No, seriously.

Bree: So how are you gonna celebrate?

Leo: We're all going to celebrate. Every year my mom throws me a big surprise party.

Adam: Really?

Leo: Last year she baked a cake the size of me. I'm not gonna brag, but I was delicious.

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