Death Spiral Smackdown

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Perry: Prepare yourself, dingoes! It's time for my annual fitness challenge week! This year, forget about push-ups and sit-ups. It's time for bruises, sprains, and freak accidents! I present the Death Spiral Smackdown!

Adam: Well, say what you will about her, but she knows how to bring the sizzle.

Leo: Why do you call it the Death Spiral? I mean... Doesn't look so scary to me.

Perry: Why don't I have vice-principal Cochran demonstrate for you?

Emily: I wanna try!

Cochran: No. I can't let a student do thi-

Perry: Yes you can! *Laughs*

*Emily gets on the machine; It starts off slow, but slowly begins to speed up; Perry became frustrated that Emily had not fallen off (Of course, Perry doesn't know about the bionics being the reason she had not fallen yet), so she started throwing things at her; Perry throws a chair at Emily, knocking her off*

Perry: It's not broken! Walk it off!

*Perry of course doesn't realize that Emily is indeed passed out; her siblings walk over to her*

Chase: Emily!

Bree: We need to get her to Mr. Davenport! If she gets sent to the nurse, they'll find out about her chip... 

Chase: I got her.

Bree: No, I'll speed her home and be back before anyone will know I'm gone. Just, cover for me. *Bree speeds away with Emily*

*In the Lab*

Davenport: Bree! What happened to Emily?

Bree: Long story short - Perry happened. Emily volunteered to do this crazy challenge Perry started. It's a challenge where this machine spins around and around really, REALLY fast and you see how long you stay on. Emily was doing really well and was staying on, probably due to her bionics, but because she wasn't falling off, Perry threw a fold-up chair at her and, well... This happened... She fell off, went flying, and hit her head on the wall.

Davenport: You all got lucky. If she had been sent to the nurse then-

Bree: They would have found out about her chip, I know.

Davenport: You all got lucky. You need to start paying more attention to your sister because we all know how badly this could have ended if you weren't there. 

Bree: I know Mr. Daven-

Davenport: Just- We will discuss this after school. Meanwhile, you should get back before people started getting suspicious.

Bree: Okay. I'm sorry about all this.

Davenport: It's not your fault, Bree. I know it was an accident. *Bree leaves*

Davenport: Oh geez... Why is it always Emily??? *He notices some hair, including her white streak, on her face and moves it; He sighs; regretfully/more heartfelt* Why is it always Emily?

*Meanwhile back in the gym*

Adam: Wait, s-so how does it work?

Perry: You wrestle your opponent as it spins you silly. It'll test your strength, reflexes, and ability 

to hold your bladder against centrifugal force! Ha ha ha!

Gordo: What do you think, Leo? Can you handle it?

Leo: Well, my bladder's strong, but just to be safe, I'm sticking to dark gym shorts.

Gordo: I myself will be wearing a full-body diaper. In the face of fear, you'll never know where you're gonna leak from.

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