Back from the Future

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(in the lab)

Donald: Okay, your mission supplies are packed, the schematics have been uploaded into Chase's chip, and your transport is on the way. Did I forget anything?

Emily: No, we'll just guess what the mission is and see how it all plays out.

Donald: All right. A particle collider is a three-mile long underground facility where scientists--

Chase: Race subatomic particles at each other at light speed for energy experiments. (giggles) So cool!

Donald: I know!

Chase & Donald: Deedle-deedle-dee!

Donald: There is a particle collider in Berkeley that is accelerating out of control, and your mission is to shut it down.

Adam: Oh ho! Awesome! I hope one of us knows how to do that.

Donald: Okay. We have to act quickly. The scientists that operate the facility-- (pulls Leo away from desk) 'scuuuuse me—have already evacuated the control center, and if we don't shut it down in time, it will create a massive black hole that will implode the entire planet.

Leo: Today?! No, that's not gonna work. Today is Shelly Evans' birthday, and her mom makes the best cupcakes! I'm just sayin'. That woman doesn't skimp on the sprinkles.

Donald: Don't worry, Leo, you will get your cupcakes. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Emily have all the training they need to shut the collider down.

Leo: I don't know, Big D. I think these guys are gonna need some... ♫ back-up! ♫

Donald: Yeah, and that's why you're gonna be ♫ back-up! ♫ here in the lab with me.

Adam: Oh, he said "backup" and you said "backup." Saying things twice makes it funny! Oh! Saying things twice makes it fun--

Emily: Stop it!

(a sphere of light appears from the ceiling and lands on the ground)

Man: No, no, no!!! Aaaah!

All: Aaaah!

Donald: Nobody panic! Probably just the cable guy.

Man: Come on, Big D, I just came from seven years in the future. Your time machine actually worked! It's me! Leo!

Adam: Whoa! The cable guy's got the same name as you!

Leo: Wait. If you're really me, then you'd know the handshake I came up with in case I ever became a spy.

Man: Requesting authentication, Double-O Leo.

(they do the handshake and start smiling)

Leo: It really is me!

(Theme song plays)


(in the lab)

Donald: So you're... the future version of him. Do you know what this means? I cracked time travel! Ha ha ha! ♫ I cracked time travel, I cracked time—♫ Can you do me a favor? When I see you in seven years can you remind me to tell me how awesome I am? Lemme high-five. (claps hands) Like that.

Leo & Future Leo: Oh, I'm sure you won't forget. Hey, he just said what I said! Technically, I just said what I said. Okay, you're gonna have to stop doing that. Stop. Stop. Stop!

(Future Leo puts his hand over Leo's mouth)

Future Leo: It's so good to see you! (He goes to hug Emily)

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