Confident by Justin Bieber

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We prepare the shot and get ready to play the game I am sit between Tom and Sebastien, Lizzie was on the other couch on the right side next to Scarlett and Jeremy next to Scar. Chris and the other each have armchairs.

"Ok so we start with Y/n, truth or dare ?" Robert starts


"Are you single ?" He asks

"Yes I am"

"WHAT ! How !! I mean you're hot how can men be so blind ?" Chris E step in

"Or women Chris"

"Well I do not understand" he says

"Me neither but it's better the ways, it suits me" Lizzie says and I blush

"Ok that's really cute but can we carry on the game please" Anthony says

"That don't bother me at all" Sebastien says with a smirk

"Wouaa ok you can carry on" I says giggling "Chris truth or dare ?"

"Daaarrreeeee !" he says with to much enthusiasm and make all of us laugh

"Alright I see you're exiting so do a lap dance to Scarlett" Scarlett give me the "Seriously" stare

"Ok" He says getting up and put a chair behind our couch since there is space behind "My lady you can come and sit here"

"I will kill you Y/L/N" she says taking a shot and go sit on the chair

"Whatever enjoy Scarjo" I say knowing she ate this nickname but it's fun even if I will die after

Chris do his lap dance and it was really funny though. I bet secretly Scar like it.

"Anthony, truth or dare ?" Marc says

"Dare" He answer quickly

"Call your mom just to tell her you love her" Tom says

"Oh I like it" Scar says

"But it's late" Anthony protest

"Wear your balls Mackie and call your mom" I says causing Lizzie to giggle so I look and her and we make eyes contact

"OK ok" He take his phone out and call her mom on speaker

anthony ?

hi mom how are you?

good but why are you calling it's 11pm I was going to sleep

yeah sorry I just want to say that I love You

ho I love you too


Anthony ?

Yeah that's all I want to say. I will let you sleep goodnight mom

goodnight anthony

*end call*

"That was so cute" I say

We all say the same and talk a little before continuing the game

"Y/L/N" Scarlett says ho shit this will not end good "dare or dare"

"What? "

"Dare good ! So jump on the pool full dress"

"Ok but just because if I don't this will not end good for me" I stand up and go to the pool near the pool I run and jump in without an hesitation.

"Putain c'est froid !!!"

I exit the pool and Chris hands me a towel . I put the towel around me and my body shake because I am really cold now.

"It's that cold ?" Lizzie ask me I just nod and she pull me into a hug to warm me.

Chris come to say that I can go to his room and borrow some of his clothes. He show me his room and say that I can take anything I want.

Since he is taller that me I just put a black hoodie and black shorts because his sweatpants are too big for me.

I make my way to the living room and I just grab a blanket and sit down on the floor between Lizzie's legs and rest my back on the couch.

We play a few round nothing much happened except that we found out that Sebastien is in a couple with a girl name Rachel but apparently it's not serious just for fun if you no what I mean. We take a pose for dancing and refill our drinks or smoke outside for some of us. I rest where I am and Lizzie too but I start shaking because I am a little cold.

"You're cold angel" Lizzie ask felling me shaking. angel that's new I like it. I just nod to answer her question.

"Let me" she says and I move a little forward as she sit behind me, I am between her legs and turn a little my body to the right and bury my head  into her neck.

"Better ?" she ask rubbing my arm

"Much thank you" I mutter.

We stay like this until the other come into the living room to continue the game. Of course they tease us and I also think that Scarlett take a photo. But whatever...

"Scarlett truth or dare" Chris says


"You have to sit on someone laps during the all game"

"let me think" She think for a few second "Y/n get your ass here"

"Do I have to ?" I say not wanting to move because Lizzie is so warm and comfortable

"Yes !" Everybody says at the same time

"Ok Ok" I get up and let my blanket to Lizzie and make my way to Scar, she stand up so I can sit at her seat and she sit on my laps

"And say that I through you will sit on man's laps" Chris says maybe I was hoping that Scar would chose him.

"Well she is the man !"

"Yeah I am the man !!"  I join Scar and we laugh together.

Lizzie return to her seat on the couch (Scar and Jeremy change place so he is between you and Scar and Lizzie).

"OK I have one for my best friend who make me have a lap dance"

"Really Scar I through I pay for that when I jump on the pool"

"Well you don't. Give someone here a hickey" She says and I give her the 'Really' look and she nod yes

"Ok get up" She get up and I make my way to Lizzie I mean she invite me and after our date I may want something with her and I can't give a hickey to someone else.

"May I, if you don't want I take a shot"

"You may" She says seductively

I go over her ear and whisper "Try not the moan" I let wet kisses on her neck and suck on a spot leaving a mark. "Good Girl" I whisper in her ear again and return to my place, I can say she is watching my ass right now.

"Jeremy, truth or dare" Marc asks

"With all your dare I will say truth" He says

"You're not fun Renner" I say laugh with everyone

"You're not changing ?" Robert ask to make sure

"Yep definitely"

"Soo.. Have ever been arrest by the  cops ?" he ask

"Yep ! When I was younger like everyone no ?"  he says looking around

"Everybody here who have been arrest drink a shot" Lizzie says and Jeremy, Robert, Mackie and me drink and everybody look at me.

"Y/L/N you have to explain us" Robert says

"You don't have to Y/n" Scarlett whisper

"No it's ok I will do it "


What do you think it is ??

Any ideas ?

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