<> | Act One

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(Enter the 3 witches.)

WITCH 1: When are we gonna meet again??

WITCH 2: Idk man, when Macbeth comes or something

WITCH 3: Huh ok



(enter Duncan, Malcolm, Donaldbain (who sucks), and Lennox. They're Duncan's Gamer Squad™, as I'll be referring to them from now on. Oh, and a Captain.)

DUNCAN: Hello, my wonderful little meow meow epic gamers. How are we doing?

MALCOLM: Please, never say that ever again-

CAPTAIN: Macdonwald betrayed us, we need to purge him.

DUNCAN: Oh ok sure, we'll purge him

CAPTAIN: Nah dude, Macbeth already did. Banquo helped him.

DUNCAN: Macbeth my beloved! Tell him he's promoted. Those two are truly epic gamers.



(enter Witches.)

WITCH 1: Where have you guys been???

WITCH 2: I made bacon :)

WITCH 3: Where have you been?

WITCH 1: This lady wouldn't give me her food, so I bullied her husband.

(a drum in the background.)

WITCH 3: Oh damn it's Macbeth.

(enter Macbeth and Banquo. They're totally not on a date.)

MACBETH: ... Nice weather today, isn't it?

BANQUO: oh hey look, weird ladies... with beards... yeah. Trans swagger maybe? I have no idea at this point.

WITCH 1: Yo Mac, you're Thane of Glamis on Duncan's Discord server, right?

MACBETH: ... yes???

WITCH 2: You're gonna get promoted (looks at scribbled note on hand) ... Thane of Cawdor or something.

WITCH 3: Oh, and you'll be King of the epic gamers I mean Scotland I mean server admin.

MACBETH: Oh shit really???

BANQUO: Mac I love you but you're so dense I swear to God. Okay, guys. If you're not lying or hackers or whatever, what'll happen to me?

WITCH 3: Your kids will be kings-slash-Discord mods. When they're old enough for Discord ofc.

WITCH 2: You won't be though.

MACBETH: Wait... Macdonwald already has that role. I can't do that??? Explain-

(the witches vanish.)

MACBETH: ...welp.

BANQUO: They're gone? Damn.

MACBETH: Dude. Your kids'll be kings!

BANQUO: You're going to be king!

MACBETH: We're fucking set! (gives him a gay little kiss on the cheek)

(enter Ross and Angus, both of whom are pretty irrelevant but shhh)

ROSS: Yo, Maccy B. We told Duncan about you and now you're promoted.

ANGUS: Congrats I guess, Mr Cawdor!

BANQUO: ... What-
MACBETH: Woah woah woah, waaaait a sec. Cawdor's still on the server though.

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