❝ Memories ❞

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5 AM

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5 AM

The train was waiting. After driving for a half-hour I finally arrived at my destination. I hurriedly paid the taxi man, for his nice work. We had a little conversation.

It was funny and a bit emotional, but after all, I didn't really care. I wasn't going to see him again, right? He was a nice guy though.

I got on the train. It was going to be a long ride. About 3 hours in total,  so I wanted to make sure I was comfortable for the next 3 hours. I found my seat.

As I saw a guy who sat there, was in front of my seat. He looked around my age and was a model. Holy crap not again. It's just these days I really have been attracted to guys and it disgusts me because you know I only like girls.

I am the big spoon. I am the protector. I hope it's all just a fucking phase. But anyways I sat in front of him. He was listening to music and didn't mind looking up at me.

He was reading a book. Don't really know what kind of book but I read the title which said: Crossing the Ice. By the cover, I can see it's most likely about ice skating. Nice, not really my type but I respect that.

After an hour he finally looked up to me. "Are you a student?" He asked. Well, can't you see that? I thought to myself. "Yes. Yes, I am." I replied. "Are you moving schools?" What the hell. This made me a feel bit creepy. 

"Yep. You're great at guessing" He giggled a bit. "Nice to meet you. I'm Sunghoon. Park Sung-hoon" He said smiling. He had perfect teeth. He let out a hand for a shake. "I'm Park Jong-Seong. But please call me Jay for short" 

As I held his hand for a shake. "So what about you? Why are you taking the train?" I asked in curiosity. "I have a family to visit. I live alone and miss them from time to time" He said. Well, I couldn't relate much. But that wasn't something I should go back into. "Ah yeah. That's good then"

We stayed silent for a long time. He kept reading and reading as I was just listening to music while looking out. I was looking at the beautiful sunrise. It was morning now, so it was good having a new start in the town.

It was now 8 am and all passengers got up. The doors slowly started to open. "I hope we will meet again, Jay Park," He said. "Hopefully my bro" As we left to our opposite ways.

I got out as I enjoyed the fresh air. I headed to the exit and waited for my taxi to arrive. I rented a new house and was going to stay there until I graduated. For the fact that I am only here to change myself. The taxi arrived and drove me to my house.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 : JAYWON.Where stories live. Discover now