❝ Eyes Brown, Like Coffee ❞

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8 AM

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8 AM

I woke up 1 hour before class was going to start. As i said before, its a small town and not so many schools and unknown people. So the school was close to me. Just have to use a bike next time and it would only take me 5 minutes to get there. Well there it goes. A new goal: Buy  a bike.

I got up from bed and didn't bother to check my socials. I don't want to spend another 20 minutes scrolling down on whatever.
I went to the bathroom and washed my face before getting ready to make my lunch and breakfast. That didn't take long. later on I wore something that really wasn't a uniform. Well you see I haven't even visited the school yet. All I did was to send them an email and they accepted it.

8.40 AM

I left home a bit early I should've. It is a 10 minute walk and when I get there I immediately have to find a teacher to help me with the uniform. Or I would probably embarrass myself. I got out and closed the door. Finally leaving home after getting myself ready for the day. Teeth, hair, smell and lunch is all ready and fresh. I somehow do feel like today is going to be okay. Even though I'm not the best at making friends, I just hope that the students will at least take the first step.


Yeah well I hurried a bit up. I was nervous so I didn't even payed attention to me walking fast than usual. When I entered the school there was only a few students. I guess the others were inside their classes.
When I finally arrived to the school office I saw the lady approaching me as she new I was the new student. "Well hello. It's nice you arrived early" she said and landed me the school uniform. "Here take this and change before class starts! Have a good day" she said. I thanked her and bowed before leaving the office.

I went to the school bathroom as I changed fast as I could. I checked my phone and I had about 4 minutes left. As i opened the door I saw a brown haired boy washing his hands. The sinks had a big mirror as he saw my figure after looking up. He didn't say anything. I think he knew I was the new student. But again how come does he care? I mean there is more than hundred students and how would he keep it up who is new and who isn't?
He hurried up and left. Well yeah class was about to start in 3 minutes. Oh fuck. I washed my face and hands trying to clean my sweat away.

I was now standing in front of my class. Boy what the fuck. It felt really awkward and yes it was even more awkward when I saw the toilet boy earlier. He was sitting just right in front of me and had those big brown eyes opened. His desk title said: "The Class President" Bruh.

He is definitely a big nerd I thought to myself and awkwardly smiled. "Good to see you Jay. You don't have to introduce yourself if your not comfortable yet" she said. I shake my head as a no and started to talk a little "I just entered the town so I don't know anyone other than my childhood friend. So I hope to be friends with you all" as I continued smiled. "Thank you Jay. You may sit next to Minjun. I didn't know who he was so he he waved his arm taking my attention away. I carefully walked up to him and sat down. "Alright Jay. We have our class president Jungwon who will show you around the school later. Is that fine with you?" She asked. I looked up to her and nodded a yes. "Good. Now let's start" and it begun.

10.30 AM

We were done with our first class as we got our 20 minute break. I got through my bag searching for some papers that I had bought with me. I didn't know somebody was standing in front of me after hearing the boys voice that got me flinch a little. "Are you ready Jay?" He asked. I looked up to him.

He was smiling with his eyes. And even so I could still see his brown eyes. It wasn't those typical brown eyes. It had some small lighting in the corners and was blended a bit. It had such a nice flavor. "Uh yeah sure I am" I said and smiled back. I got up from my seat as we left the class together. We were walking down the hallway. There were both girls and boys who had small talks or were doing some work together. It was a nice place.

"Okay so Jay. Is there a certain place you want to meet first?" He asked. He got me thinking a bit when after I got one. "I would love to meet the library first" I said and we made our way to the library. We didn't say anything to each other. He didn't even bother to ask for more information about me. How is he even the class president? When we arrived I had never seen such a place like that. It looked so much like them in the movies.

It was a big place and quiet. So if any of the students ever make me angry all I have to do is keep myself calm and get here. It was silent and quite so that would be the only reason for me to keep myself shut as well.

"Okay so this is the library" he said. "We have different kinds of book. Books in Spanish, Turkish, Danish and more" he informed me. "Well i don't even know who is going to read all of those books without understanding anything" I said giggling.

"Me" he said with a serious face. "You read books in Turkish?" I asked him. To be honest I didn't even know if he was being sarcastic or not. "Yes. There may be some words I wouldn't understand but that doesn't keep myself from stopping" he said and turned over to the exit door. "Oh" I whispered. I  walked a bit fast as I wanted to catch up with him.

10.50 AM

We came back to class. He showed me all of the places around school. We even got inside the classes. Though it was a bit awkward. I don't know why he didn't talk to me much. When we got inside the class he just went over to his desk and sat down. And the fact he didn't even talk to anyone was also a bit off. I didn't care but if he's the only one I spoke to and need help with then he's surely the one I need to become friends with. It all started today so I can't just let him run in my mind all day.

After school

All the classes I had were done. It wasn't bad at all actually. I liked being here. I got some greetings from other students when I passed down the halls. They were being friendly with me but again I didn't gain a single friend. I left school. Had my ear pads on as I listened to some music. I especially liked: Ginny by Sylo. 10 minutes later I arrived at home. I wanted to go for grocery shopping as I changed my clothes. I really don't want people to ask why I have a fucking uniform on while going on grocery shopping.

I was now at the grocery and were fucking standing in front of the class president again.

What the fuck, Jay Park.

What the fuck, Jay Park

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