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//Angst recovery was demanded of me. So here is Enji Calls Hawks "Keigo" For The First Time part 2 the happy ending. So you're welcome
Your benevolent author,
Montana 🥰

Keigo walks to the apartment he and (Y/n) shared.
It felt so empty now, so dark and gloomy.
Keigo walks down the hall and past their bedroom.
Everything is as they left it.
The hero goes into the nursery and turns on the light.
The painted walls remind him of better times.
He looks at the rocking chair and imagines his fiancée holding their child, rocking back and forth gently.

A few tears escape as he walks to the crib.
The image of a baby flashes between a boy and girl.
Keigo didn't care which one it was, he just wanted his child alive and well in his arms.
His hands grip the wood tightly as he falls to his knees and finally breaks down.
All his emotions and heartache finally released.
He cries loudly as all his pain crashes down.

"Hawks! Hawks! Wake up!"
The blonde opens his eyes quickly and looks around.
The bright light blinds the bird as he realizes he's in a hospital.
"You're finally awake." Enji greets and pats his friend's shoulder.
The #2 looks at the #1 confused.
"I was just at home. What am I doing here?"
"Your fiancée just gave birth. You passed out." The fire man informs and chuckles quietly.
Hawks blushes and sits up.
Panic takes over and he looks around frantically.

"She's alive!? Where is she? Where is (Y/n)?" Keigo yells, getting off the couch he was previously sleeping on.
"Calm down. Of course she's alive. Both her and your daughter are just fine."
"Daughter?" The blonde questions, looking at his idol.
"Yeah. I'll take you to them if you calm down."
Hawks manages to calm down and follows Endeavor to his fiancée's room.

"(Y/n), he's finally awake." Enji greets the woman.
(Y/n) looks over and smiles softly. "You gave us all a scare there Birdie. Are you ok?"
Tears water the bird's eyes as he walks over and hugs her tightly.
"You're alive," he whispers.
"Of course I'm alive. Women rarely die during childbirth nowadays."
Her soft giggle makes his heart race.
"It was all a bad dream. Thank god." He whispers and kisses her.
Enji rolls his eyes and picks up the newborn.

"I'm sorry you had a bad dream Keigo. But everything is ok. I'm ok and so is our baby."
The fire man hands the woman her baby.
Hawks looks down and gently pets her hair.
The infant looks up at her father and giggles, reaching out for him.
He takes her and holds her carefully. "She's so small." He comments and smiles.
"Yeah, but the doctor said she was perfectly fine." (Y/n) responds and rubs the baby's cheek.
Keigo kisses his daughter's forehead then his fiancée's cheek. "I love you both so much." He whispers.

A couple days later (Y/n) is discharged and Keigo helps her and the baby home.
The infant enjoys her new room and found the ceiling very intriguing.
(Y/n) sits in a bath while Keigo puts their baby to sleep.
He was still a little shaken up from his nightmare but he was thankful to have them both back.
Soft music plays from the toy attached to the crib.
Soon enough the baby is asleep, sucking her thumb.

Keigo walks into the bathroom, wearing just sweatpants.
"Keigo, I love you." (Y/n) whispers, eyes closed.
"I love you so much more." The hero counters and kisses her knuckles.
The woman looks at her fiancée and smiles softly. "I can tell you're still thinking about that nightmare. Please ignore it. We're here and we're just fine. I won't let anything bad happen to her or myself."
"I won't let anything happen to you either. It's my job not only as a hero but as your husband-"
"Soon-to-be husband." (Y/n) cuts in.
The blonde laughs and nods in agreement.
"Good. Now rub my shoulders. Childbirth is painful and I need massages now."
Keigo smiles and kisses her head. "Dry off and lay on the bed. I'll massage your whole body until you're a puddle of looseness."
The woman brightens up and nods happily.

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