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//y'all woke up and chose pain. This was requested. Not gonna lie, I cried a tiny bit while writing this. Why y'all want so much angst? I hope you enjoy 😭 👍🏻
It was also brought to my attention that I should put trigger warnings. Is that something I should edit into my past chapters and future ones? And what counts as a trigger for my future one shots?

TW: depression and Suicide

"Hey (Y/n) are you still coming tonight? The party is gonna be boring without you." Hawks questions his best friend.
The said woman frowns. "I might be able to make it later in the night. Dabi needs my help with something first. I was actually gonna head to meet him now."
"Oh, ok. Be careful though. He's still dangerous." The blonde warns.
The (h/c) chuckles and nods. "Don't worry birdbrain. I'll be just fine."
"Only Dabi calls me that. You're not allowed to kid. It's Keigo to you."
(Y/n) smirks and ruffles the hero's hair. "I'll try to make it Keigo. Try to have fun without me."

(Y/n) shows up about an hour and a half after the party starts.
Jokes go around about why she was late.
Hawks was grateful to his best friend for actually coming.
The two have a great night and enjoy themselves.
They didn't end the fun when the party was over, they made their own fun until the sun came up.
All Might laughed at their youthful banter and stamina.
Endeavor was in disdain at their childish behavior and attitude toward others.
Unfortunately, this was the last time they'd ever have fun like this again.

Hawks has many fans and some of them get very possessive and jealous of his friendship with (Y/n).
One in particular took it too far.
She stalked (Y/n) and tried to collect any dirt she could.
Finally she got her scoop.
(Y/n) talking to the villain Dabi.
Unfortunately she didn't have any proof other than seeing the two together, but she took it to the internet.

"You will never believe what I just saw. (Y/n) (L/n) was with the villain Dabi from the League of Villains. I saw them in a dark alley. I even saw them kissing. Hawks is being betrayed by a woman conspiring with villains."

Of course it wasn't true.
This girl is just jealous and needs something to tear their relationship apart.
The post went viral and fans took it upon themselves to do something about it.
(Y/n) didn't pay attention to the internet so she had no idea what was happening.
That is until a certain bird flies into her apartment.

"Hey Keigo. Do you-"
"Was that thing Dabi needed help with shoving his tongue down your throat?" Keigo asks angrily. He even moved so he was right in front of her.
The woman looks at her friend confused. "What are you talking about?" She asks.
"I told you not to get involved with him. I told you not to get caught around them."
"Keigo, I don't know what you're talking about."
"A fan caught you with Dabi."
(Y/n)'s eyes widen. "We were super careful. I had no idea someone was following."
"Of course you didn't deny it." The hero mumbles and looks away.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this-"
"You were supposed to be my best friend. You ignored everything I said and did worse than I could ever imagine."
"Keigo I-"
He cuts her off again. "Don't ever talk to me again." He whispers and flies away.
(Y/n)'s eyes widen as the blonde leaves.
She falls to her knees, confused and overwhelmed.

The next day (Y/n) goes out to buy groceries, except on her way home she gets cornered and beaten by a group of Hawks fans.
A couple days later a group of random fans does the same thing.
About a week after the rumor started (Y/n) was beaten so badly she was hospitalized.
The police took her statement but didn't do anything about it. They believed she was conspiring with Dabi.
The longer this whole thing went on the more depressed (Y/n) became.
She wanted to tell Hawks that the rumor wasn't true. She wanted to get Dabi to convince Hawks but at this point the blonde wouldn't believe anything they said.

It got so bad that the doctor walked in on her attempting suicide.
He managed to stop her but was forced to restrain her.
A specialist began to visit (Y/n) but she couldn't tell her she actually did talk to villains.
Nothing intimate but they were on good terms.
A week or so after the incident she was released on the condition she went to therapy or rehab.
(Y/n) lied and agreed to go every other day.

Hawks could only go about his normal life. He avoids the rumor as much as possible.
Of course the press questions him about whether or not he knew.
Every time he either denies having knowledge or claims no comment.
It was difficult knowing his best friend betrayed him for the enemy.
He couldn't understand why she'd do it.
Helping Dabi and fucking him are two completely different things.
He didn't want to believe she'd do that and not tell him.
She even seemed confused when he confronted her.

Dabi bursts through the door of the bird's apartment and stomps around until he finds his target.
"Dabi what are you doing here?" Keigo asks quickly.
"(Y/n) and I didn't kiss that night. She was helping me pick flowers for my mom. Tell me you didn't buy into this birdbrain. I just found out (Y/n) was in the hospital because she was nearly killed by your fans."
As realization washes over the hero his eyes widen.
"Oh my god. You did believe it. You fucking idiot." The ravenette growls.

(Y/n) sniffles softly as she sits on her bed. She plays with the pencil in her hand and stares at the notepad in her lap.
Her bruises aren't even healed completely yet.
The bottle on her nightstand catches her attention again and again.
She finishes writing Hawks a goodbye letter.
The last line was written and erased multiple times.
Finally she decided on something simple.
"I love you Keigo."
She'd been holding her true feelings back for so long because she didn't think he'd feel the same.
He was always a free spirit and probably only thought of her as a best friend, nothing more.
And she was ok with that.
Although now, now that she's out of time she knew he deserved the truth.
She explains everything that happened that night and about her feelings.
That line just felt right.
She signed it and set the notepad and pencil on the bedside table.
She grabs the pill bottle and takes a deep breath.

Keigo throws open his balcony window and quickly flies to the woman's apartment only a few minutes away.
He lands on the ground and runs up the stairs to her floor. He bangs on the door but receives no response.
No footsteps or I'm coming.
The hero breaks down the door and looks around the whole apartment, calling her name.
He finally stumbles to her room and his eyes widen in horror.

His best friend is on the bed, an empty pill bottle next to her hand.
Some of the pills are on the blanket between the bottle and her hand.
Her body is unmoving.
He slowly walks over, trying to comprehend the scene in front of him.
The note catches his attention so he reads it slowly, out loud.
Tears stream down his cheeks as his fears are confirmed.
Hawks sits on the bed and holds the girl close. He cries softly as he doesn't feel a pulse. "I'm so sorry." He cries and rocks back and forth.
Of course the woman doesn't respond and her body is heavy in his arms.

It took a while for him to calm down long enough to call the police and explain what happened.
He texted Dabi the bad news but didn't receive a text back.
Hawks found the woman who started the rumor and tracked down the people who ganged up on (Y/n).
All Might and Hawks put together a funeral for the woman and plenty of pros and civilians showed up once the rumor was cleared up.
Hawks definitely wasn't the same after. He even stopped working undercover with the League.
Life proved difficult as he constantly reminds himself that it was his fault for believing the rumor in the first place.
His best friend would never date a villain because she was in love with him.
That fact hit the hardest.
And now he couldn't tell her he did feel the same.

Hawks X Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now