chapter 10

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Taylor pov

After walking back to Kat I take my phone out and take a picture of her and post it on instagram
Look at my beautiful girlfriend

After I post it , I show it her. "Taylor!" she yells at me. I just laugh putting my phone in my pocket. "what?" I ask like I did nothing wrong. "delete it! Now." Smiling "but babe. I like that picture." I whine. As she smiles at me. "Fine. But I get a funny picture of you too." She told me sighing while she waits for ur hair to finish.
A  hour later the guy comes back and finishes her hair. And she quickly hurries to a mirror to look at it. In my opinion she looks hot. I mean gorgeous...

"babe what do you think." She turns around looking at me for a answer. Those blue eyes.... Her red ombred hair... She is.. Speechless. "Taylor?" She walks closer to me. "you ... You look absolutely gorgeous." I can see her blush and she hugs me. As I wrap my arms around her Nikki calls her over.

Kat pov

I hurry over to Nikki and look at her hair. And oh my gosh.. It's perfect. "woh Kat... You look beautiful." I smile. "likewise."

"are you girls ready to go. Because I need a new outfit for tomorrow." Taylor says. Me and Nikki burst out laugh. "yes. We are ready." I say grabbing taylors hand and walking to the front desk. As we pay I jump on taylors back so he can take me to Hollister.

Yes short.. sorry

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