part 3

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*Kat* sure

*Taylor* great! cant wait;)

the bell rang before i replied.

during lunch nikki came clacking with her heels towards me with a smile.

"ok now tell me !" i laughed

"ok, so i was waking in the hallway, and someone pushed my books on the ground. then TAYLOR! (i kinda wisper yelled.) and then he --." i stop what i was saying because taylor was on his way over to my table.


"hey Kat! do you want to sit with me and my friends?" i looked at my friends for approval.

they shook there heads yes really fast, i giggled and got up to follow taylor. We walked over to the football team, and i grew nervous. they made room for me and taylor. Its was really quite.. i just sat there feeling awkward. Finally taylor introduuced me to his friends.

Hayse, carter, matt,nash,and cameron.they seemed pretty cool. i talked and finished my lunch. i got up to throw my food away and i seen a note that was hidden under my lunch tray.

i wonder who its from. i picked it up and went to the bathroom, after i threw my trash away.

on my way to the bathroom i bumped into this girl.

"watch were your going!" i got embarassed because everyone was looking at this point.

"i.... im sorry." she was the most popular girl in school, AKA taylors ex girlfriend.

" you better be sorry."

angel was the most opposite of her name. sometimes i call her devil.

" kat, guess what.... meowwww!"

i just walked out by then.

she was a bitch!

i went to the bathroom and read the note.


kat got up to throw away her trash, and took the note that i gave her. i hope she wont say no to me. i really like her more than i like anyone. shes beautiful,smart,funny,has fashion, and is herself.

ive never felt like this about someone.

angel walked over and sat down

"so ive heard that you and kat are going out. i think you can do better. "she flipped her hair and got up and left.

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