chapter 7

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Kats pov

We finally reach the movie theater and walk up to get our tickets. " so what should we watch?" I ask looking up at him, finally notcing how much taller he is than me.

He smirks " insurgent." My smile grows. I quickly tell the guy in the ticket booth the movie that we are seeing and get the tickets.

As we walk in the movie theater we see the long line for the snacks. "I'm going to go save us a seat." I smile walking to the theater room. I go all the way to the back. I don't know why I just like it here. Sitting down I get my phone out texting my friend Nikki

N- omg how is it!! =-O

K- awesome we got Starbucks and went to the mall and now we are going to watch insurgent!!

N- awesome sauce. Ttyl hope you have more fun than me watching Netflix. :-(

K- ok ttyl

I shove my phone in my pocket and look at the big TV screen. After a while I got bored and watched the entrance waiting for Taylor.

He finally comes in with a lot of goodies. Once he sits down I see he has a box of skittles, Reese pieces, sour patch kids, sweetest fish, and Snickers. And he has a medium sized popcorn bowl. "wow." I say laughing. "what???" He whines. I look at him taking the sour patch kids. "oh nothing."

The movie starts and he puts his arm around me munching on some skittles and popcorn.

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