t h r e e

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A/N: not at all necessary to say this but was listening to "Sincerely Me" while writing this- surprisingly motivating.

Also, mentioned in this chapter is Sexual Harassment.

Cordelia strides out of the Jets view and abruptly halts to a stop. She was absorbed in a cool sweat and agitation.

"Flo, what the fuck did I just do?" She squeaked out, desperately trying to gulp the overwhelming sick feeling in her throat. Did 'extremely wary of gangs' Cordelia flirt (her best version of flirt) with a gang member, correction, gang leader or some shit, on two separate occasions.

Florence attempted to calm Cordelia by clutching her shoulder but was aware she could never be a better source of comfort or rationality than Cordelia's own mind.

Johnny seemed frozen, his sister, typically predictable in her attitude towards him, had never reacted this hysterically angry by his actions.

Understandably, him being in a widespread dangerous gang and simultaneously getting assaulted by yet another gang would leave her in a frenzy but seeing Cordelia's face flush in anxiety alarmed even him.

"Ge-get Johnny to a hospital, now. Don't stress about the hospital bills I'll cover it. Thank you."   Cordelia stammered, immediately biting her lip afterward silently cursing herself for acting so foolish.

Florence offered her a reassuring smile and glared at Johnny, commanding her to follow him in an unexpressed authority. Johnny stifled a protest or an attempt at comfort to his sister and dolefully followed Florence's clicking shoes.

Cordelia felt rooted to the ground, the vines casing her in a state full of trepidation and scrambled thoughts. Reaching back into the inner depths of her mind she ached for her past to aid her future with advice on what to do. How could she fix this?

She acknowledged the allure of this man, the one whom she didn't even know the name of, his lean build, captivating eyes, enchanting voice, the way he could be so casually irresistible, a trait people would kill for.

Reflecting on this, how could this flawless charm he has be so terrifying. Oh right, his pack of wolves that scrap and intimidate others due to fear of territory being overtaken.

Cordelia slightly smirked to herself, enabling herself to find light in the animalistic ways of a horde of men.

Hastily, however, she still concluded there's a fine line to throwing all your toys out the pram because someone took your favourite one and beating on the person that took it initiating a rivalry that will petrify the majority of New York City.

Her legs buckled beneath her and she fell to the ground. Cordelia was submerged in embarrassment as ongoing men and women transferred judging looks and she commanded her legs to stand. Just walk home, step by step you'll make it and have clearer thoughts.

Compelling herself to trudge home, she steadily began to walk; her mind assured her while walking, attempting to successfully stop the daunting thoughts that had invaded.

This bubble of protection was quickly popped, was her mind too fragile? No. It was involuntarily shattered by a long, taunting whistle. The wolfwhistle echoed in her mind for a seeming eternity, shortly followed by the remark,

"Walking around like that add me to your body count, whether it's willing or not, eh!" A crowd of men cackled at his friends rapey 'joke', the ringing of their high pitched snickers further encouraging the welling of tears in Cordelia's eyes. As one slipped down her cheek she rapidly wiped it away, shameful of her own emotions.

Cordelia grinned as she confidently strolled the streets, feeling euphoric in her outfit, the first time she was permitted to go out late with her friends. As she orientated herself with where she was and walked towards the meeting place a single whistle sounded. Disgusting comments similarly followed and her skin began to itch with repugnance. Her mind began to reiterate, this was her fault. No.

Fuck this guy. Fuck his friends. Fuck all of them. Their shitty harassment of women shouldn't have to be endured.

Cordelia, enflamed, marched across the road and stared the man dead in the eyes.
"Is this an offering?" He remarked with a wink.

With all the force and rage pent up, she instinctively raised her fist and forced it down, making contact with his snub nose. As his eyes began to well up in reaction to the punch Cordelia simpered, how's it feel? His friends all cussed at her and taunted, attempting to fill her with empathy for this man.

"It was just a joke for christ sake!"

She turned to leave, slightly satisfied but still disgusted, until a hand was firmly placed on her shoulder. A woman who lurked around the men while this all occurred obnoxiously chewed her gum and gave a toothy grin to her.

"Trying to scurry off?" The woman hissed mockingly. In mere seconds she landed a blow to Cordelia's cheek and lip, next she aimed for Cordelia's diaphragm and she felt the inner workings of her lungs beginning to spasm. Gasping in for a breath of cool air came to be an excruciating task.

Observing the situation, Cordelia hunted for her survival thoughts to awaken. Adrenaline pumped into her veins and she swiftly spinned on her feet and thrust forward, ignoring the difficulty of running in heels, into the more open streets, the streets that would lead her to the comfort of her home.

As a thin layer of sweat concealed the nape of her neck, her mind roamed, maybe, maybe some people deserve to get punished. Would the man have interfered if he was there? Could they possibly be heroes, their reputation tarnished by police.

The real question is, could she think of her own brother as a man who would willingly harm people, a villain? One thing her mind was settled on however, Cordelia was going to arrive to that dance.

A/N: what's your opinion on flashback scenes by the way? Anyways it's 3:30am so I'm off, hope you enjoyed :)

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