t h i r t e e n

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A/N: if u guys are  still reading im impressed and  love u

Cordelia heard her alarm go off that morning but it was like white noise; she felt it's urgent vibrations on her pillow but kept her eyes fixated on the one blank spot of the wall. She zoned in to the seconds passing by, trying to slip in between them and achieve a moment of bliss. She couldn't.

Her nose scrunched up as she finally sits up and thumps her alarm to silence it and she retreated to the kitchen, pouring herself some coffee to try dismiss her throbbing headache.

She noticed a little note left on the countertop, engraved with scrawly handwriting, the ink was smudged but she recognised Tony's signature signing off at the end.

"He must've gone to Doc's" She mumbles to herself quietly.

Just as her cup was empty she heard the door unlocking, anticipating Florence's insistence to get ready for work.

"Yeah Flo, I'm just about to get dressed, you should start getting ready."

Cordelia turned to meet Florence's gaze and noticed something was off, her palms were sweating, she gulped nervously and she was tapping her foot.

She snapped into a grin when she recognised Cordelia's gaze meet hers and rubbed her neck, beckoning Cordelia over to her.

"Lets skip work today, hm? I don't think our boss is in so he won't even realise if the shops closed."
Cordelia gave a half-hearted smile and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Very funny Florence, what's up, are you alright?"

A loud eery whine echoed through the hallway and into the apartment -Cordelia recognised it immediately- the creaky floorboard 10 steps away from the door. She tugged Florence's arm to get her inside the apartment and kicked the door closed with her foot, locking it quickly and pulling away from it.

She felt Florence release a deep sigh off her chest and envelop Cordelia into a hug, her whole body shaking.

"There's a man, a really angry man, he-he went on about how he got paid to yell at you- said it was to keep you in check and then this guy got him in an alleyway to-to make him 'pay for it', w-what the fuck is happening?" She stumbled over her words and spoke with uncertainty, as if the next word she said might be her last, but gained more anger as the last of her speech poured out.

"Honestly, Flo, I don't know what the hell is happening," She collected her hands in her own and squeezed them tightly, "but I'm sorry you've gotten involved, I just know this involves-" Cordelia stopped herself from finishing the sentence, she needed to talk to Riff.

"He had a knife, Cordelia! Why the fuck am I being wrapped up in this shit? Tell me what's happening." She screamed hysterically, tears beginning to slip from her eyes.

"I don't know! Alright, seriously, but this is ever the more reason to listen to me right now. Stay in your room, phone the police and say an angry man is at the door- armed, and threatening. I'll go out through the fire escape, okay?"

Cordelia felt the weight of her unspoken "I'm Sorry" to Florence as she left the room but it wouldn't have made any difference, still, the clanging of the metal as she cascaded down thudded into her heart.

I'm a bad friend.


"Tony!" She felt her voice weaken as they escaped her mouth, desperation slipping out as she repeatedly called for him.

Instead, Val replied.

"Dee, dear, what are you screaming for? Tony's gone out."

"Sorry, Val, I'm in a bit of a rush, do you know where he's gone?"

"I'm not too sure, I can leave a message for you?" She offered, her voice as sweet as honey.

"No thanks, nothing serious, see you soon." She grinned at her and quickly left, beginning to bite her nails as she walked away.

Her senses seemed dull, despite Cordelia's aching for them to be alert. She expected to hear Riff's playful voice ring out every time she turned a corner, reassuring her he's quit his silly feud with the Sharks.

It wasn't his voice she heard speaking to her though. A low whistle ran out through the smirk of some asshole. "Ay, so this is who Riff is keepin' himself busy with?" the guy chuckled.

Cordelia's face set into a scowl "You know where he is?" she sharply snapped,  looking up at the man.

"I know he was angry last night" the guy shrugged to Cordelia's confusion. She set her hands on her hips, stepping closer to the man.
"Is he with Tony?"

The man leaned against a wall, letting out a small huff. "He's gettin' a gun at the old bar"

She instinctively knew what he was talking about, remembering the night Riff walked her home, his arm slithered around her waist as he mentioned that bar. Her feet set off to the location before her mind did.

As she arrived she took a small breath, Cordelia had  never been this far in through the streets without Riff or Tony. Her hands pressed against the cold oak door, soft tapping beating as her fingers shook against the wood. Pushing with her remaining strength, she opened it, her eyes landing on a bunch of jets leant against the bar, but no sign of the two she needed.

As if sensing her desperation one of the Jets recognised her as Johnny's older sister and nodded to the back door, raising a brow at her. Cordelia's mind swirled in the outcomes but this wasn't about her anymore, not when Florence was threatened.

She carried herself to the back door opening it to see Riff and Tony in a heated argument, the two boys throwing their hands in the air and Riff clearly holding back the urge to shove him.

"You set up a fight with the Sharks tonight, what are you crazy?" Tony yelled, scoffing as Riff smirked.

"Oh you have a problem with crazy? How's my girl by the way, had a nice talk with her?" Riff asked, his tone lowering.

"Cut it out" Cordelia snapped, moving in the way as Tony looked at Riff with furrowed brows.

Riff's gaze immediately tore away, refusing to glance to her. Tony narrowed his eyes "Riff, what did you see?" he asked stepping closer.

Riff shook his head "My best friend cuddling up to her" he replied clenching his jaw, a muscle feathering.

"Nothing happened" Tony said instantaneously, looking up at Riff.

"Bullshit" Riff replied, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.

"Guys listen-" Their yelling only increased, drowning out Cordelia's pleas- she needed to help Florence, then Riff. Stupid boys she thought before raising her hand to slap Riff's cheek hard.

"I said listen!" her voice ripped through their heated words, Riff finally forcing his gaze to her. His eyes immediately went to hers, drinking in the light in them, like sunshine. "I didn't kiss Tony. I used to have baths with the guy," she replied rolling her eyes "and you need to help me"

The boys stayed quiet and Cordelia glanced to Riff's red cheek, leaning forward and pressing her lips to them. "Help me?" she said softer, looking up at him.

His next word was spoken without a thought, it would never change, not for her. "Always" He smirked slightly, leaning closer to her ear "you're mine, Clicky"

A/N: the next chapter will probably be the last so i'm not milking this guys, love u <3 also i have so many new celeb crushes to write about lol, will try be consistent next time!!

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