Chapter 6

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~After many (well like 4) hours of buying stuff~

"Well i think that's all you'll need," Jordan says sitting back in his chair.

"Again, Thank you SO much."

"Anything for a fellow youtuber." You laugh, but then he talks again cutting off your laughter. "Hey you wanna get some lunch?"

"Sure. Why not?" Then there was a knock at the door.

"Hold on," he says as he gets up and leaves the room. 'Oh my god i still can't believe this is happening.'

You heard the muffled conversation that was going on downstairs. The other person was a man. You became curious and decided to go see who it was.

You walk out of the room and look towards the front door and 'holy.......shit. I must be dreaming. I HAVE TO BE DREAMING RIGHT NOW.'

You just stood there starring like you did when you saw jordan but you were WAY more internally freaking out.

"Well who do you have there Jordan," Mark asks Jordan nudging Jordan with his elbow and winking at him. Both and Jordan blush.

"Oh..uh..this is (y/n)," he gestures his hand towards you. Mark looks at you and waves. You wave back still starring. 'Oh my jesus he just waved at me. OH MY GOD QUIT STARRING AT HIM LIKE A CREEP!'

Jordan continues as you walk down to them,"i was just helping her pick out some recording equipment. She's going to become a youtuber."

"Wow really? Maybe we can do collabs together?" 'He wants to do a collab with me. No. COLLABS! i HAVE to be dreaming this is just too good.'

(You wake up) (lol jk)

"Ya-yeah that would be cool," you kinda stutter out.

"Why are you nervous? I'm I really that handsome." you giggle.

"No. Well ya-I mean it's just that Im a big fan," you say shyly.

"Cool. I LOVE meeting my fans in person." He smiles at you. 'Oh my god that smile.' That smile always made you melt.

"Hey Mark," Jordan says," we were just about to go get lunch. Wanna join?"

"Sure and then when we come back we can play hunger games."

"Sounds good."

We all hoped in Jordan's car. Jordan and Mark in the front and me in the back. Even though Mark completely insisted on sitting in the back. I said i was fine.

After awhile of them talking about many things Mark asks Jordan ,"So where are we going?"

"I don't know. (Y/n) where do you wanna eat?"

"Huh? What," you said being woken up from your daydreaming.

"Where do you want to eat?

" schlotsky's ok?"

"That's sound great," Mark says smiling at you. You blush and quickly look back out the window. You look at all the cars passing by as you start to daydream again.


"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO," he yells as you go in for the kill.

"BOOM! HEAD SHOT," you yell as you jump up and sit back down.

"Im going to get you for that," Mark says as he pushes you on the floor and gets on top of you. You stare into eachother eyes causing you to blush.

"You're so beautiful you know that," he says making you blush harder. Then he starts leaning down. He gets so close that your noses touch. He gives you an eskimo kiss then starts getting closer. Closer. Then- "(Y/n) we're here," Jordan says waking you up from your dream.
'Dammit so close.'

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now