chapter 17

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*Your POV*

"Dave & Buster's."

"No. Are you serious?!" He nods. You were SO excited that you quickly got out of the car, ran to his side, grabbed his hand, and ran towards the door.

"As soon as we're done eating we are playing guitar hero."

Mark laughs. 'God his laugh. Its so unique and perfect and contagious'



We sat down and ordered our food.

"So (y/n), tell me about yourself."

The whole time we were eating we talked about ourselves and our lives, just like i did with Jordan except i told Mark more and in detail. Im not sure why, but it felt like new everything him already. I mean yes im a fan, but he told me much more than he did his fans and i feel like I've known him.

"Are you finished?"

"Are you ready to lose?"

"Who says I'll lose," he says getting closer to me, leaning over the table.

"I do. BEAT YOU TO THE GAME!!" We both take off running like little kids running from the person that's it. I see the game in the distance and run faster. I was so close to winning when he grabbed me from behind and stopped me. He quickly sat me on the floor and continued running.
'Fine then, he wants to be like that.'

You start walking really slow. Mark's already at the game just watching you. He gets a smirk on his face and starts walking towards you.
'Oh shit. What is he going to do?'

He comes up to you. "Having fun?"

"Why yes I am good sir. And you?"

"I'm about too."

'Wait what?!' Mark picks you up and throws you over his shoulder.

"Mark put me down!"

"No. You wanted to take your sweet ass time getting there so now im helping."

He puts you down and you just look at him. Then you both burst out laughing.

"Alright. Ready to play," you ask putting the guitar over your shoulder.

"Bring it on."


After playing every single game you guys went to the prize room.
"Ok I'll get my prizes and you get yours and we'll meet at the counter ok," Mark asked.

"Sure i guess." 'Aw i didn't want to split up. Oh well. Ooh look a lava lamp.'


You got all the things you wanted and went to the counter, but you didnt see Mark.

'I guess he's not done yet.'

"Miss, are you ready?"

"Yes. Thank you."


You waited outside of the prize room for a while.

'Where could he be?'

"Hello," someone whispers in your ear from behind. You jump a little and turn around to see Mark with his hands behind his back.

"Jerk," you say gently hitting his arm. "I was looking for you. Where were you?"

"I was waiting for the perfect moment to scare you. And i did."

"Well thanks," you say sarcastically.

"Here." he moves his arms from behind his back and gives you the cutest little teddy bear.

"Oh my god it's so cute," you say in a high pitched voice. "I mean *cough cough* its so cute," you say normally this time.

Mark laughs and smiles at you.

"Im glad you like it. Come on let's go home."

You get into the car and put all you stuff in the back seat besides the little bear.

"Thank you Mark."

"My pleasure."

"Are you sure this wasn't a date? It felt like it should be one?"

"Do you want it to be a date?"

You blush and look down at your teddy, playing with it's ear.

"Wha-what if I did?"

"Then it would be."

"Really," you ask looking up at him. You see him blushing too.

"Yes. I've had a crush on you since the first time i seen you at Jordan's house. You had on a white plaid long sleeve shirt with a black tank top underneath, dark denim skinny jeans, and black boots. Your hair was in loose curls and your bangs hung just right, not too high but not covering too much of your beautiful face. The expression you had on your face, i seen it so many times in all of my fans faces, but in yours, it felt like it changed my whole world. Right then and there I wanted you to be mine. Yes i know we only just met, but for feels like a life time. I would do anything and everything for you. Im not sure if you feel the same way, but i need to tell you this. So for every star in the sky, every fish in the sea, and beat in my heart.... Will you be mine?"

"Y-yeah. Yes!" You both hug eachother so tight.

'This feels like a dream come true.'


Wow that speech. Tbh i just wrote whatever felt like coming out. Wow. Ok guys ttyl buh-bye.

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