chapter 35

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*Your POV*


You quickly run to the door, but you dont open it. You listen to what's going on on the other side of the door.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"None of your GOD DAMN BUSINESS!! Just cooperate and I'll leave."

'Oh shit there's someone in my house. I need to call the cops.'

*Marks POV*

'Fuck man, jesus. I hope he doesnt hurt (y/n). (y/n) please stay in the room. Please.'

The man points a gun at me. I gulp.

"Take me to the bedroom." He turns me around with the gun to my back.

"Ok, ok." I start walking to the room.

*Your POV*

'Fuck man this is bad. This is really bad. I hope Mark's ok. I hope he's alright. I dont know what I would do if anything happened to him.'

You stay in the room trying to be as quiet as possible. You unplug the speakers from the computer so it wouldnt make any noise. You slowly lock the door. You sit in the far corner of the room behind your desk.

'Mark please be ok. Help is coming. GOD I FEEL SO USELESS RIGHT NOW.'

*Mark's POV*

"Ok i want that, and that, and throw that in the bag too."

I put everything in the bag as he wanted. The old me would've tried to fight this guy, but it's not just me anymore, i have to think about us.

"Ok. There."

"Now let's search the livingroom."

*Your POV*

You sat in the corner hugging your knees trying really hard not to cry.

'It'll be ok. Mark will be fine."

You can hear muffled talking. One voice is Mark and the other of the person in the house. They had a really deep, scratchy voice. Your were lucky you couldn't really here what he sounded like or you would be scarred for life.

*Mark's POV*

"Ok. I put in all the games. You have everything. Can you please leave me now? Please?"

"Hey what's in this room?"

'Shit not the recording room.'

"I-it's just a room where i keep all my extra stuff."

"Well let's see what's in it shall we."

*Your POV*

'OH SHIT HE JIGGLED THE HANDLE. PLEASE DONT COME IN HERE. PLEASE DONT FIND ME. PLEASE MARK BE SAFE. PLEASE DONT OPEN THE DOOR.' Your heart starts racing even more. If it made any noise they would be able to hear it loud and clear.

*Mark's POV*

'Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!'

"It wont open," the man said harshly.

"I must've a-accidentally locked when i closed it last time."

"Well then I'll just kick it down."

He stepped back. He lifted up his leg. He kicked it open.


A police officer kicked the front door down the same time the robber did and they tackled him down.

He fought back so they tazed him. They put him in cuffs and dragged him away.

I walk into the recording room and see (y/n) huddled up in the corner, face in her hands, crying.

"Please dont hurt me. I'll do whatever you say. Please just dont hurt anyone."

I was going to start crying, but i had to be strong.

"(y/n) its ok he's gone."

She looked up at me. Her eyes were red from crying. She quickly got up and hugged me. I wrapped her in my arms and sat us down on the floor, not losing my grip on my sweet angel.

"Mark thank god your ok," she said while crying into my chest, " I called the cops after i heard the loud crash."

She pulled back a little to look at me. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"

"Im perfectly fine. Some of our stuff got broken when they tackled him though."

"I dont care." She hugged me tightly again, face in my chest. "As long as your ok nothing else matters. As long as my love is still with me."

"Im still here. I'll never leave you. I promise." A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek.

"I love you Mark."

"I love you too (y/n). And always will. Forever and always."

"Forever and always."


(y/n) stayed in my arms as i talked to one of the officers about our incident.

"The man who robbed your house is highly wanted serial killer who's been all around the country. Thank goodness we found you when we did. You guys are ever lucky people. I dont know if you guys are religios people but someone was really watching over you guys today. I know it wont be easy but i hope you recover quickly. If you need any help, just call this number," she hands me a card, "Good evening."

"Thank you very much officer."

I close the door and walk over to the couch. I sit (y/n) in my lap.

"Are you ok?"

She nods. I wipe away the last tear on her cheek and kiss it. I hold her again. She lays her head against my chest.

*Your POV*

As you lay there in Mark's warm, safe arms you listen to the sound of his heart beat. It's like his own special song that lives inside him and your the only one who can hear this song. The rhythmic sound was so soothing that soon you fell asleep, in his

*Mark's POV*

A couple minutes after (y/n) fell asleep i carried her and layed her in bed. I covered her and kissed her forehead.

I began to put everthing away and take note of what was broken. I lifted up the bag and found pieces of broken glass and a picture frame. I cleared the glass and picked up the piture frame. It was the picture of us at the aquarium. I put the picture in my desk drawer.

'Ill have to get a new frame for that. It's too special for it to be put somewhere where no one can see it.'

I finished cleaning the rest of the place. Then i uploaded a video.

*Your POV*

You wake up and go find Mark. He was sitting on the couch. You went and sat next to him. You put your hand in his.

"Are you ok?"

"Actually..... Im not sure. What if the cops wouldn't have came when they did? What if he would've found you?"

"Mark," you turn your body to face him, " we will always question what if, we're always curious about what could've been, even if it's something we wouldn't want to happen we always want to know what would happen if it did. But the thing is is that it didnt happen and we need to be greatful for what we have. Your ok and so am I. They finally cought a guy they've been hunting down for months. That's what matters."

You hug him and he hugs back.

"Your right. We're ok so i need to move on. The sooner i do that the sooner this will be in the past and I can be happy."

You nod. "Do you want to play a game?"

"What kind of game?"

"How about a board game? Maybe Life?"

"But i already have the life i want."

You let go and smile at him.

"I do too."

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now