chapter 43

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You walk over and sit next to Mark. You sigh.

"I don't know if you'll think I'm crazy or something, but I need to tell you this. It's the same thing I was going to tell you before....before the accident." You look down at your hands. "For a while, I've been hearing....strange noises. They started out as faint little noises that i didn't even think were much of anything, but as time progressed they started getting louder and clearer." You looked back at Mark. You could tell youbhad his full attention. "I've been hearing someone crying. Who they are I'm not sure. I also keep hearing beeping noises. All this is very strange to me and I feel like I needed to tell you. The reason I didn't tell you sooner was because i thought they would just go away, but they haven't and I dont know what to do."

He hugs you. "I would never think that about you, at least not in a bad way." You both chuckle. He lets you go.

"I'm not sure how to help you. I've never had an experience like that. Maybe you should write down when they happen and what you hear. Just to see if you can piece it all together somehow. And if you want I'll go with you to get therapy or something. I'm here for you."

"Thank you. I guess I'll just try to ignore them like I've been doing. They don't really have that much affect on me anyway." You hug him again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

There was a moment of silence until you spoke.

"Should we make Peanut Butter famous now?"

Mark nods and gets out his phone.


After taking pictures of Peanut Butter and posting them on everything, twitter, facebook, instagram. Everyone loved him, they thought he was so adorable, which he was.

"What do you want to do know?"


"Yes!" you get up and run to your recording room.


"Hello everybody and welcome to SLENDYTUBBIES! As you know I've played this with Yamimash a couple if times and today Im playing it with my beautiful girlfriend."

"Hey everybody."

"Let's begin. Ok pick a name."

Mark types in Bum Bum and you type in (name).

"Ok so what type do you want to play?"

"In the woods." Mark says excitedly.

"Ok. What day setting?"

"Night of course." You both laugh.

"Ok... And there. Im in Room M&(1st initial)."

Mark laughs. "Ok im in."



Mark laughs. "Where i want to se- OH SHIT!"

You laugh. "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!"


"Did we loose him?"

"I think so."

"Damn. We still need 2 more tubby custards."


After a while of walking around you spotted a tubby custard inside a cave.

"Found one."

You were about to go inside it when a dead Po fell down and hung from the ceiling of the cave, upside down.

"AHH! Oh jesus." You put your hand over your heart. "Fucking Po."

You walk past the red teletubby and got the custard.

"One more." You say as you turn around.

"Mark behind you."

"Ah!" Too late. Lala came from behind Mark and killed him.

You ran away as fast as you could.

"I think i lost him. Holy crap this map is huge."

"I know right," Mark says as he comes and sits next to you.

"One more."



You ran through the water trying to escape a mutant version of the green teletubby.

"Look there's the last tubby custard." Mark points at the screen. You run straight towards it.

"YAY! We won!" You jumped up then hugged Mark.

"We did it babe. Even though you found most of them." You let him go.

"Well this is all the time we have for right now." You look at Mark and he nods.

"And as always." You both say to your camera. "We will see you in the next video/one. BUH-BYE!!/BYEE!!"

You stopped you recording as he went back to his desk.

"You now you're going to have to-"

"I know, i know, send you the ending." You cut him off.

You both laugh.


Mark had already finished his videos for the day. You were just finishing up yours.

"And...done." You saved your stuff and shut down your computer.


You walk into the livingroom to see Mark playing on the floor with Peanut Butter. It was so cute.

'How did i get so lucky?'

Finally everything in your life was perfect. You had Mark and your cute little Peanut Butter. Plus you had an amazing job and lots of very supportive awesome fans. Nothing could ever take that away from you.

Or so you thought.....

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now