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Update for this story will be three times every week.

Arnav stood in the room of Khushi and Payal with tears cascading uncontrollably down his cheeks watching Khushi taking throw rounds around the fire.

"Please Khushi don't do this..... Please don't. " Arnav whispered but she didn't and she took the five round around the fire. " I have to stop this. "

He opened the door to walk out and stop the wedding but halted in his steps as Khushi's words echoed in his head.

"Please don't humiliate me more than you already have..... I won't be able to live with another scandal over my head and if you love me like you say you do then let me go. "

Arnav heard people clapping and lifted his head and it was too late.

His Khushi was now someone else's.

She was no longer Khushi Kumari Gupta and neither will she be Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada but she was now Khushi Kumari Gupta Pratap Ranawat.

The wife of Rudra Pratap Ranawat in this life and the next seven lives.

He walked out dejected and Khushi who had the fakest of all smiles watched him stagger away from there and she wanted so bad to follow him but she couldn't even of she wanted to.

She couldn't humiliate Rudra and his family like that over a man who hurts her more than anyone since she was born and on top of that, she couldn't live knowing Garima would kill herself if she didn't marry Rudra.

This was her destiny, to be with a man she doesn't love but at least she will be away from the toxic Guptas forever because except for Shashi, they don't give a damn about her or her feelings and from now on, they don't exist for her including Shashi which hurt her to her core to abandon the only person who loves her unconditionally.

She looked for him in the crowd sitting in his wheelchair helpless and crying while looking at her.

Everyone who saw this thought it was because of his daughter leaving home but only he and his family knew it was because of something else and she walked up to him and caressed his cheeks with a smile on her face.

She didn't miss the begging that was in her father's eyes and she knew if she didn't walk away then the urge to run away will heighten and will bring another humiliation to all of them.

"Am sorry babuji...... It's the only way out. " Khushi thought as she stood up and kissed his forehead and tears cascaded down his cheeks and he cursed himself for not being able to save her daughter from the huge conspiracy she has been trapped in.

On the streets of Delhi, a white SUV stopped on the deserted and quiet road and out came Arnav Singh Raizada himself.

He felt so suffocated thinking about all the horrible things he had done to Khushi.

If only he didn't let his insecurities about love over power him, Khushi would have been his now but she now belongs to someone else.

He cried for the lost love he could have had.

He cried for the lost chance to be happy.

He cried for the loneliness he will soon start feeling again.

He cried knowing it was all his fault he lost her.

His sweet, innocent and goofy Khushi.

To be continued.

Here is a prologue to my new story.

I hope you like it and don't forget to hit the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ button, comment, follow and share for more.


Xoxo xoxo.

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