Chapter 10

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"I was so happy when Khushi left and the fact that Arnav went on a business trip before he found out made me happier....... I always suspected he was in love with Khushi and it was confirmed to be true two weeks later, I was looking for an apple charger and couldn't find one and then I remembered seeing multiple chargers in Arnav's room and entered to find one...... I was leaving when I found a diary and out of curiosity, I read it and to my shock, it was Arnav detailing his love and realization for Khushi....... He felt it when she first fell into his arms in Lucknow and at some temple....... He felt it when he met her again in Delhi and he made it his life mission to hurt Khushi so that she goes away from her...... It all finally made sense to me. " Lavanya said and her mother frowned.

"What made sense to you? " She asked.

"The reason by he always berated I, Pam and Sim and even fired those who hurt Khushi...... He was in love with her. "

"Lavanya, I don't get it...... If he was in love with her then why did he hurt her so much? " The woman asked confused.

"It boils down to his mother and her life story which Nani told me........ Arnav's father cheated on his mother and his infidelity was revealed on the day of Anjali's wedding....... Their mother couldn't withstand the revelation of her husband's infidelity and shot herself in front of Arnav who was begging her not to do it. "

Khushi covered her mouth to stop her gasp of shock from being heard as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"A few hours later, his father also committed suicide and after they were buried, Arnav's uncle kicked them out...... Since then Arnav had an immense hatred for love and vowed never to fall in love...... Nani told me all this so that I wouldn't feel bad if he never loves me. "

Khushi finally understood his stance about love and knew he was indeed telling the truth that night.

"If only you hadn't drugged Arnav to sleep with him, then your father and I won't be bankrupt..... We would have been set for life. " The woman scolded Lavanya and Khushi frowned as she heard a gush of water and the dryer turn on and off. "Come on let's go...... We have to find another way to get you back into his life. "

"Mum do you think I haven't tried...... I have tried several times to seduce him but that man is like a block of wood when it comes to me and on several occasions, I have nearly lost my job."

"I said leave it to me..... I will deal with him at the party tomorrow...... Now let's leave..... We can't be here after the humiliation that woman but us through. "

Clicks on heels were heard and the door slammed shut.

She cried out in sitting on the toilet, she stood up and moved to the sink and washed her face.

The door of the washroom opened startling Khushi but she relaxed seeing the person.

She rushed up to her and hugged her crying.

The person was shocked and confused seeing her crying none stop.

Some women entered the washroom and Maithali dragged Khushi outside to avoid the weird stares they were getting.

She passed through the kitchen out into the parking lot.

"Kiki...... What happened? " She asked in concern and Khushi revealed everything to her and she was shocked.

"You see I told you he loves you...... Now you know the truth and men don't keep diaries and when they do it's for something extraordinary and important....... He loves you and you thought it was his guilt speaking..... Now more than ever I believe everything he told you the morning after you both find out what you did was all a lie to hurt you and make you go away from him....... Anaisha has lost the love of her father and he has lost precious times that can't be gained ever and because yours and his ego. " Maithali shook her head in disappointment and Khushi who looked down.

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