Chapter 7

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The Raizada family and Jhas watched as Shashi and the family entered the mansion.

Nani welcomed them and turned to find a nonchalant Mami sitting on the couch while scrolling through her phone, this didn't go unnoticed by the family who sighed but four people were fuming in anger for their reasons.

Buaji and Garima who had had enough of her mistreating them and Payal and wanted to lash out at her but they controlled themselves knowing they are at her mercy especially now that they had lost their house to a developer who hadn't even given them a chance to arrange their living.

Anjali and Shyam were also pissed off that they have been invited to stay in the house when they were soon going to live in a small house.

Payal together with the help of HP was leading them to their assigned rooms but sometimes got Mami's eyes and stopped them.

"Shashiji wait. " Mami called out politely surprising and making everyone curious as she moved towards him and kneeled in front of him with a smile on her face.

Mami smiled and took his hand.

"You have lost a lot of weight. " Shashi sighed. "If only Khushi was here, she would have used her magic hands to help you but don't give up okay...... One of these days Devi Maiya will drop a miracle on you and it will heal you sooner than you think. "

Shashi smiled with tears in his eyes.

The Guptas and the Jhas felt uncomfortable with her words and Shashi's healing because they knew if he heals, he will expose all of them and they won't let that happen.

"Mami...... He is tired..... Let him rest. " Payal said and Mami stood up and threw a smirk at her which made her shudder for some unknown reason.

Mami then went back to her position leaving all of them perplexed by her action but said nothing.

Payal showed them their rooms and Shashi's room was the last.

Payal kneeled to touch her father but he glared at her in disgust and she moved back and seeing Akash there, she started with her crocodile tears.

Akash didn't like seeing Payal cry and kneeled to his level.

"Babuji, it's been over three years and you are still angry at Payal...... I do understand you but please stop punishing her for something she didn't do and I know she is also a culprit for keeping quiet but how long will you hurt her with your ignorance and rejection..... Please for my sake can you forgive her? "

"You are such a pathetic man...... Only if you knew how evil she is then you won't be asking me to forgive this witch..... I hope the day you realize the truth, you won't lose anything precious like I lost my Khushi. " Shashi thought looking at him.

Akash knew he wasn't going to barge and stood up and carried him to his bed and left the room.

Buaji and Garima glared at him but she closed his eyes and remembered all the good times he had had with his daughter Khushi.

Payal huffed and moved out with Buaji and Garima following her.

Immediately they were out of sight, a tall figure entered and closed the door behind.

It moved towards Shashi and covered his mouth with his hand.

Shashi jerked and opened his eyes to find Shyam staring at him with an evil smile on his face.

But the smile dropped on his face seeing the challenging look and hatred in Shashi's eyes and he shuddered and removed his hand and stood back in shock not getting the reaction he had hoped for and it pissed him off.

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