Chapter 25

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Five Years Later.
Delhi Women's Prison.

A woman in her mid-fifties sat in an office when she heard someone knock and by the silhouette on the door, she knew who it was and asked the person to come in.

A woman in a jail overall uniform entered and she signalled the person to sit.

"So how is my favourite patient doing today. " The woman asked with a smile of pride on her lips.

"Am fine Dr Sharma...... I come to tell you my sentence ends today and I will be leaving in a few minutes. " The woman announced enthusiastically and Dr Sharma nodded with a smile on her face.

"I know, and I am so proud of you Anjali...... Most inmates won't agree to go to therapy because of the stigma behind it but you are different...... Most people with a personality disorder like you don't like to trust people but you are different...... From turning yourself in for your part in the conspiracy against your brother and the attempted infanticide of your niece, most people would have isolated themselves out of denial but you accepted your guilt and immediately accepted my help...... Now I can say you will do just great when you step outside these walls. "

Anjali smiled and thanked the doctor with a hug and walked out.

She then walked to the changing room and changed into her clothes to leave but begged the prison superintendent for one last favour which was granted due to her good behaviour since she arrived at the prison five years ago.

And that favour was to see her once accomplice and half-sister.

Anjali sat face to face with none other than Payal who looked twice her age and she had a scowl on her face.

"Are you here to mock me because you are leaving today after you betrayed me and told the court my involvement in trying to kill my father...... It is because of you and them that I will forever live here until I die...... I hate you and I hate them, especially that Khushi...... She snatched my father from me, was always the one everyone wanted to be around and always got the good stuff...... I wish her the worst in life. " Payal said angrily and Anjali shook her head in disbelief seeing that she is still the hateful woman she was before.

"You are here because of your sins and so was I........ You were the one who suggested we make Shashi sick and even I was against it but you insisted and you also murdered Shyam. " Anjali reminded her in a calm tone which pissed Payal off and she slammed her hands on the table in anger but seeing the guards walk up to them, she controlled herself and Anjali signalled them to stop

"I did it to protect us from being caught. " She retorted and Anjali sighed as Payal sat back down.

"Yes that was the case but what about Abhishek, what about you framing Mami, did you also do that to protect us..... No, you didn't..... We all did what we did for our own selfish needs..... I did what I did out of jealousy...... We had everything a person will ever need, siblings who cared about us....... A father who still took care of you know you weren't his....... An aunt who did everything to make you happy at the expense of hurting others....... Akash loved you and chote also loved me but we both betrayed their trust and love because of our selfishness..... I know my sins will never be washed away but I accepted my mistakes and paid for them but here you are still blaming others for your mistakes...... Repent Payal or else you won't be free. "

"Just shut up Anjali..... You are no saint to lecture me. " Payal yelled at her.

"You are right..... I am in no position to lecture you but I will as your half-sister....... I am free today because of the acceptance of what I did and my willingness to change for the better...... I was supposed to spend eight years here but due to my good behaviour and my willingness to get help, I am better now and I know my mental health issues are gone...... Just because you see a therapist doesn't make you crazy...... Accept your mistakes and let Dr Sharma help you...... Look at how happy those of us who took her help to understand why we were the way we were are happy even in this hell...... Maybe your sentence will be reduced and maybe not but get help Payal...... I have been begging since I came here but you won't listen..... This will be our final conversation and whether you are innocent of Abhishek's death and the attempted murder of Sonali, we will never know but you have to accept it because everything points to you...... Goodbye baby sister..... I may have been able to protect you for the past five years from the inmates here who for some unknown reason hate you, but now you are on your own...... Goodbye forever. "

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