Death of the Holder of Longinus

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Time to put an end to this charade.....

"Are you going to participate for the tournament Frost?" Ren asked. You shake your head. "I have something more important at hand. To show the true colors of this place, the hellhole that HE lived and died in... Goodluck everyone." You said with a wave but Ruby stopped you. "Frost... I just wanted to say...I hope you know what you're doing." "Trust me. I won't be doing this if I don't have my reasons, yet you don't seem like you want to stop me." Nora and Ren looked serious at you. "Show them what they did to Y/n." You nodded and went off, not before noticing a small white haired girl start moving away from where you and the others just at. Immediately catching up to her, you grab her shoulder and teleported out of the school onto the track field. You throw her on the ground.

"Woah there lassie, spying on others ain't classy.~" You said in a singing tone. "What's the little kitty doing away from her kindle?" Koneko was shocked. "What's with that look? *You snap your fingers. Her magic began to fade, revealing her ears and tail.* That trick was already used by Belladonna but I guess deception is part of a devils thing. So devil *Your right eye glows* why were you spying on me and the others?" She stays slient. "Nothing? Hehe...HAHAHAHA!" "Th-the hell is so funny, freak?!" She shouts. "This guy's energy! ITS INSANE! He's stronger than Hyoudou and Rias-sama combined!" You calmed down. "! You really aren't that smart are you? Hehe...Time for a bit of revenge...*You took off the mask* Its a beautiful day isn't? Birds were singing, flowers are wilting. *You took off the eyepatch* On a day like this, MURDERS like you * The half mask comes off, Koneko's eyes turn into shock and fear.* Are going to have one joyous day in hell..." A crazed smile makes its way onto your face. "I'm going to show everyone in this world...that peace never existed... And it's. All. Your. Fault." You grabbed her by the throat and begin sending a large amount of voltage into her. Her screams were music to your ears, She begs and pleads for you to stop. You didnt listen or even bothered to listen to her pleads. "Youre begging for mercy?! Hahah!Where was my call for help?!" She called out for help once more.........


With the teachers in the booths of the arena.

"Strange." "What is it Glynda?" Ozpin asks. "The cameras don't seem to be working. I double checked even triple checked everything to make sure it's working. And the tournament starts in an hour! *sigh* I shall let the technicians know to fix this problem immediately. Please excuse me." She said leaving the room. "Is this the first step in her plan? Is she going to attack now? Especially on a day like this...she would do something like this! I must ask Specialist Schnee to cover more exits and entrances..." Ozpin thinks in panic. Then he remembered. 'You made an enemy Ozpin' ...... 'One day Ozpin...I'll kill you!' "It can't be he alive? Kyurem...or is it Y/n? Maybe it's even you Frost...are you here to deliver your judgement on us? May the Gods have mercy on our souls..." He whispers underneath his breath. He then notices the camera working as normal. "Weird. Didn't Glynda say these weren't working?" He then hears a chuckle before he gets knocked out.

You were dragging Koneko's bruised and beaten unconscious body through Emerald Forest. "That doesn't even come close for what you've done devils. Torturing Rossweisse...tch! Now, let see if you're 'Rias-sama' will help you... The heavens and the underworld will fall! Along with that shitty school!!" When you felt like you were deep enough in the forest. You toss her against the tree, with a bit more strength. "Enjoy rotting, Koneko Toujou. Make all the prayers you want...they will never be heard. Now...time to ruin the 'peace' that is so well-known. around the world." You felt a surge of dark energy around you. "Argh!! I'll kill them... I'll kill them all! Enough waiting...let's make this one joyous day...HeheHAHAH! And it's all thanks to rejected faunus devil! Time to kill you...!" You charged a blast ready to kill her when you heard a twig snap. Turning around and firing it at the bushes. The blast gets deflected, a boy with a mixture of light blue and blonde hair with two horns on his head and the same fur colored tail steps out of it, pointing a knife at you. "S-stay away...! I'm warning you!" An image makes it way into your mind, it was like when you met Garcello and Annie for the first time. Scared and Alone, not knowing if they were good people or not. "I'm not going to hurt you, you just scared me is all." He looks at your face and is then shocked. "Your-Your's--" You immediately turn away. "It's disgusting." "Broken...full of my big sis when Mama left..." Your eyes widen. "More kids abandoned by their parents?!! WHY EVEN HAVE KIDS AT THIS POINT!?! She left you alone with your sister?" He shakes his head. "She was taken from us by some bad people, my big sis had been taking over our mothers duties ever since. I just--" "Where did you go?!Where did that little runt go!?" A gruff voice shouted.
"Stay here kid..." He looked scared. "W-wait! Please don't leave me! I don't wanna be alone again!" He grabbed your leg, his plead made you feel bad for once ever since you lost most of your emotions. "This this...pity for others? *You kneeled down and you pat his head* Don't worry kid. Let me deal with them and we can find your mom." You got up and walked towards the voices, ice and dark energy flowing around you. "This is much power...flowing through me! Hehehe....this power can definitely kill those shitty devils! But first...I'll deal with them..." Firing a couple of small blasts at the trees got there attention. When they saw you, they laughed. "Wow! Here I thought faunus were ugly! You're just as a freak as--" Before he could finish, his head was sliced off. The other three people that were with him stood still. "Faunus aren't freaks....But you bastards are the only freaks in my eyes." Their heads immediately came off as you sent out an energy slice. "A-a-are they gone?" The boy stutters as he walks over, you quickly pick him up and away from the corpses. "Yea, they're fine kid. They left as soon as I got there. Let's go find your mother." "What about her?" he said pointing to Koneko. You growled under your breath. "She's something that doesn't deserve mercy, along with a a few other people that deserve to rot in the deepest part of hell." The boy looks at you and slowly moves his hand toward your face. You grab it and say "My face isn't important, let's just get you to your mother and sister and we can go our separate ways." Placing the child down and putting on the coverings and mask. You look at him. "Where did you come from kid? I saw you coming from the south." "There's a base out there but is surrounded by loads of bad guys. I tried going there to save her but...I'm not strong enough. I'm just a mis--" "You will not finish that sentence. You're just a kid....Do not end up like me kid. If you let words of others or your own enter your mind. You'll only see a path of rage...... and it will only get harder when those words are the only thing you can think about. I can't get rid of them when I let it consume me because of these devils and fake heroes." The boy looked shocked. "But...but aren't heroes the good guys?" "Some of them, yet the rest don't give a shit about people without pisses me off. For once I'd agree with villains if they didn't kill innocents, tch and all for the sake of 'proving a point'.. Yea right. I am ranting about this political crap while I'm supposed to be finding your mother. Here climb up my back." You said crouching down, he climbs your back. You place a cage around Koneko. You began running towards the camp that the boy said. "Your punishment is yet to be over cat...your 'friends' must be upset about your disappearance. They'll see you very soon..." "See who soon?" You screamed and came to a stop. "What?? What did you say??" You said very confused/concerned. "Oh I'm sorry mister! I'm able to read minds and a bunch of other things.... you kinda act like my father or at least that's what my mother's says." "For a little kid, you sure are formal...I never asked you about your name. I'm Frost Greven, but you can call me Frost." "Yea...I haven't had much friends due to me being a faunus and being a rare breed at'm Leo. Nice to meet you Frost!" He said with laugh. You smiled a bit. "Same to you kid, let's get your mom back."

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