Halloween special (late)

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You found yourself looking around an unfamiliar place or so you thought. Your head started to hurt slightly, "Why does this place...? It's like I've been here before." "Y/n! Hey!"

Looking to the direction of the voice to see a ginger hair girl and a girl with black hair with a pink stripe, along with two other people, A blonde boy and a red haired girl, they're wearing some weird clothing.

"Huh? M-Me? I'm not--" As they walked closer to you, they simply walked through you

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"Huh? M-Me? I'm not--" As they walked closer to you, they simply walked through you. "Eh!?! Wha?! Huh!?!" You felt your body, shocked and confused. "Wait, am I dead?!" 'Y/n' looked down at the ground clearly stressed before noticing the four. "Oh, Heya girls! Juane! Glad to see you could make it! And whats with the costumes?" That voice... turning around to see... It was you...? He wore a plain jacket, pants and shoes but his face... he doesn't have any scars. "It's good to see you again, L/n." Said the red head. "Yea man, it's been a while everything alright? You haven't been responding much in the group chat." Said the blond and the others nod in agreement and worry. Y/n scratches his cheek nervously. "Uh, yea bout that... I've just been working a lot, been taking up for shifts for others, cause I mean money's money right? Sorry for not responding... Oh and Pyrrha, Y/n will do just fine." "It's alright, glad you could hang out this day." Jaune and Y/n fist-bump.

"Its alright Y/n! But Where's your costume? It's Halloween! You should dress up like us!" Shouted the Ginger girl. "Nora, you know that I don't have much on me. Or you gonna make me to dress like a girl like ya did Jaune?" He jokes.

"Hey! Come on man not cool!" "Hehe, sorry sorry." He says with a smile before it quickly turns sour, but only slightly to the point where you couldn't notice something was wrong.

"Well, we could do that." Said pink stripe with a sly smile. "Wait wha?! Like hell I'm losing my manhood Ren!" He turned his head away from them and crossed his arms, a blush plastered on his face. 'Nora' laughs and latches onto 'Y/n's' left arm. "Don't worry, babe. We're not going to do that. Unless...?" "No!" Everyone except Y/n laugh as Ren wraps her arms around 'Y/n's' right arm. "Come, let's get going. I'm starving.." "And then, we'll go get some candies!" Shouts Nora.

Y/n nervously nods which Red notices and asked what was wrong. "Yes, is there something bothering you at all... D-Darling...?" Says Ren with a small blush. "Im f-fine, Pyrrha, Ren... just um... a bit tired is all. Really! Didn't get enough rest is all!" Y/n tries to smile to break the tension but they see through this lie. Nora, her usual bubbly self was now looking a bit more serious at Y/n. "Y/n. You trust us right?" Y/n starts to sweat. "Y-you know that I trust you all... I don't think talking about stuff in public is necessarily important. We're here to have fun right? We can talk about this la--MMPH?!"

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