Unleashed Rage Teaser

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"One for All: Hateful Smiting! Power multiplier x20: Detroit HATING CANNON!" With one hand he fires the attack, his leg bleeds and hearing tons of cracking. His bones shattering to almost nothing. (One for All: Hateful Spite, enhances his attack, attack speed and Black hearted's power massively at the cost of his whole body part which is randomized.  Buff is permanent, until left to unconsciousness. ) "Oh?" *BOOOOM* The blast connects to Izaras' back as he still is trying to fend off the real you's Nova Strike. Izaras' face showed some discomfort but a glyph is summed behind him. It's starts absorbing the attack, a smirk was now on Izaras' face as he pushed you back. This struggle kept going for about another minute before his glyph shattered and Izaras and yourself was consumed by the blast before an explosion occurred.

Back at the mansion,

Gans creates a barrier that was almost shattered if it wasn't for Hatred also helping out. "Just what the hell is up with their power?! It's greater than I ever imagined for Kyurem's reincarnate!" Morrigu said. Though Hatred on the other hand, was concerned. "Frost's power is increasing by the second. This is bad... Yasaka, how's the treatment for Nora going?" Some of the Union students were panicking, most were still in shock at the death of their classmate, while JPR and RWBY were mourning. "If we did a devil ritual, she would be revived but... with Frost and his 'condition' at the moment. It won't be such an amazing idea, his hate for Devils goes far back to Kyurem.... *She looks at her kids.* It's alright, Leo... Kunou..." She looked at her son and daughter who were practically shaking, petting their ears trying to sooth them.

"Revival... Wait! Hatred! Do you still have that Dragon piece?" Ryoku asked. Hatred nods and then understood what Ryoku was trying to say. "I guess now is a good time to use it. Yasaka use this. Maybe this can be of some use." She was a little shocked to say the least as she grabbed the dragon piece. "This is Kyurem's piece... *She warmly. smiles* Seems you do care for Humanity, my love..." Yasaka goes over to Nora, sits down next to her places the piece on her chest. "Hear thy name of the Forgotten, hear thy name of his lover. I bring back the one named Nora Valkyrie... at the cost of a portion of my life essence... I commence... THIS ANCIENT REVIVAL!!" Yasaka shouted as the chest piece glows a light blue color, glyph appears underneath Nora. Cracks could be heard and the glyph disappears, Yasaka began sweating like crazy to the point of nearly passing out but was caught by Morrigu. Everyone for the first time ignored the battle that was happening outside and hoped to see Nora open her eyes.

After a moment, Nora grunted and opened her eyes.... "Wh...What happened..? Nora looking around everyone smiled as tears were shed. Nora tried to get up but She was being held in place by Yasaka. "Just relax for the time being... Though we must leave. Hat--"

Before she could finish her sentence an explosion goes off which was luckily blocked by Hatred's and Gans' barrier. Nora felt different like as if she was like one of those characters from that anime show you watched before going to Union Academy. Something Z... but nevermind that, she felt a surge of energy that felt amazing and looking out side of the hole in the wall, immediately sprinting to it. "Nora! What are you doing!?" Jaune shouted. She stopped moving as she saw a blue heart in front of her. "Don't try to play hero, what's going on out there is far beyond your strength kid. We can only wait." "He needs our help! Are you even seeing the fight?!" They looked outside as you were getting overwhelmed by Izaras and his attacks but is able to clash against him. Only stalling for time. "You guys are part of some kind of organization right!? That's supposed to help universes?! Then do something and help him!" Hatred steps forward. "The girl's right. We must do something, I've been acting like a scared child after that first encounter with him. Gans with me, Morrigu and Ryoku stay here with Union and guard them." The three nod getting into their positions. "We might come back alive you know. Izaras is much stronger than before." Gans said as Hatred nodded. "But, I've faced death before and came out on top. This bastard is nothing new." Gans let's go Nora and she just runs out of the hole. "Nora wa--" "No Gans, she can help. Let's do this." With a power up, he transforms into his devil trigger.

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