Out of the loop...?

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"No--- R-- Lea--ve now! Ad--m! S--nna!.... The-- my po--er-- is-- I'll k-ill y-- Iz-- Damn--!!" Your injuries were fatal.... the bull was dead... tons of Faunus corpses lay around you... At least thats what you saw...

You felt your body floating.... You fell through something.... It was blurry... where were you...? Your body extremely exhausted... you just wanted to sleep.... You closed your eyes into unconscious sleep...


Your body crashed onto the ground leaving a large trail and crater in your wake, tossing, flipping and turning before coming to a stop.

??? pov


"What was that?!" Said a blond haired woman, standing up and moving towards the window "It must be Klee again using her jumpy-dumpies again near the lake--" Once the woman in purple looked at the window to see the large dust. "That doesn't seem like that was Klee..." The woman said in shock, the dust cloud was 4x bigger than this "Klee's jumpty-dumpies". " Send Kaeya and some of the knights to assist him. Whatever made that explosion... could be a great threat to Mondstadt..."
"You c@nt run f0rev3r....Everyone died because of your f@ilur3!...H4H4HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAH!"



You gasped for air and screamed from the pain you felt. "Ahh!..Grrrah!" It felt unreal and looking around with what vision you have left, it was bright, too bright to be exact. Once your eyes adjusted, you saw a room full of beds as you slowly sat up, wincing in pain. "Where am.... I? . . . *You try to concentrate on something within your mind but a name... 'Frost'.* Ugh...Why is my head so foggy...? Who...is...Frost...?" As you were contemplating on who that was., You heard something creak and turning your head to see a blond haired girl in a white and blue dress, entering the room.

, You heard something creak and turning your head to see a blond haired girl in a white and blue dress, entering the room

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She was holding something in her hands... It was flowers... They looked nice...

"Ah! You're awake!" She walks up to you with a smile but looked nervous once she got closer. The scars on your face made her uncomfortable but tries to hide it... and does a terrible job at it. You tilted your head. "Is... something wrong?" " N-No! I'm sorry! Your face-- I mean! The scars on your face are just a surprise is all! I didn't mean any offense!" She said clasping her hands together, apologizingly. You placed your hand on your face feeling the cuts and scars on it. "Oh, I didn't feel this before... um... Where am I, miss?" The girl places the flowers on the stand next to the bed.

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