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December the twenty-eighth was the night where the large full moon was painted in a ruddy red hue, the night several stars seemed to have fallen from the dark sky, and the night Moira Agamotto lost her life

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December the twenty-eighth was the night where the large full moon was painted in a ruddy red hue, the night several stars seemed to have fallen from the dark sky, and the night Moira Agamotto lost her life.

Moira Agamotto was a great if not the best master of the arts, she was brilliant, powerful, intelligent, there was no spell she couldn't master and no fight she couldn't win... but she did have a fault, greed. Moira Agamotto was the last of her bloodline, a very powerful bloodline that goes back to the first-ever Sorcerer Supreme and yet, even with all that power she wanted more, so she looked for more.

Moira Agamotto made a deal with the one who she thought could give her more of what she desired, she seek power from the one who promised eternal life and power beyond imagination but of course, for something in exchange.

Moira had to bear his child.

Dormammu, lord of the dark dimension, was someone to recognize great opportunities, the lord of darkness wasn't new to earth nor was he new to the Agamotto name.

A planet he couldn't conquer and the man who was responsible for it.

The opportunity was one he couldn't let slip through his fingers, a loophole to his conquest of Earth.

A child boring his powerful blood, and the blood of the man who had enough power banished him away would be unstoppable, capable enough to summon him at will, if not powerful enough to end the earth themselves.

A child with more magic than anyone could imagine, a half-faltine, composed of pure mystic energy and descended from the elders' gods.

The perfect opportunity to possess Earth once and for all.

Of course, Dormammu knew the mortal woman's body couldn't sustain the powerful life growing inside her and when the time came she would perish.

And she did, only having enough strength to name her after the constellation, Carina, home of her favourite star, Canopis.

Carina, the bearer of bright stars.
Carina, the little star.

The morning of December twenty-eight, the morning when the sun became black as a sackcloth of hair, symbolizing the beginning of a new life and a twist of fate, the morning where the cries of the new baby girl echo through the walls of the Kamar-Taj, the morning where a new prophecy was at the hands of the supreme.

Only a handful of people knew the origins of Carina, the masters of the temples and a few of the Sorcerer's Supreme closest allies.

"That child will bring death to all of us."

"We have the power to control her, the sanctums will keep the darkness away."

"Our power and the power of the sanctums would mean nothing if that child continues to grow."

"What are you suggesting? That we kill a baby?"

"That is not a baby, that is a time bomb."

"It's our responsibility to protect the universe from dangers such as her."

"She's the last Agamotto alive."

"Because she killed her mother."

"We can guide her the right way, it says it in the prophecy."

"We are not prophets—."

"— She should never know darkness."

"What is this darkness you're talking about?"

"Dormammu's darkness."

"Imagine such power in hands of a little girl."

"We can control it, control her."

"Hoc est infantima malum, nos omnia perdetu el iam."

"Master Zhāng premonition."

"What does that mean?"

"The child is evil and it will destroy us all."

"That'll be enough!"

The ancient one was hesitant about what she should do with the little girl, not being able to see her possible future.

A wild card. A risk.

"Good vs evil, little star, what would you choose?" She cooed looking down at the amethyst eyes which were looking right back at her. "Only time will tell."

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