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                              It's true when people say the higher you fly the harder you fall

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                              It's true when people say the higher you fly the harder you fall.

Stephen Strange had lived it firsthand... although he's still nursing the thought that it had happened to him. He thought his wings were too big to drop, too elite, too mighty, he had everything he ever wanted, how could anything happen to him now?

Life gave him a great and hard slap that left his ego bruised beyond repair; he wasn't as invincible as he thought that was what hurt the most, because Dr Stephen Strange was always right, and he despised it when he wasn't.

Things went downhill for him, he lost almost everything, his job, his credibility, his self-confidence, his skills, Christine... everything he had ever worked for was slipping through his fingers, quite literally and his world was crumbling beneath his feet, letting him fall into the mud.

So, yeah, he fell from his golden pedestal hard, he fell and fell but eventually after all that falling, he landed on the Kamar-Taj.

'For better or for worse' Stephen remembers thinking on his first night there.

At first, Stephen found it hard to accommodate himself to his new lifestyle because as stated, he was just at the top of his field, living a luxurious life as the best of the best to end up in a place where he wasn't special in any way and was below average. So, it's safe to say that it was a drastic change for him.

Not to mention, when he first arrived at the sanctum Stephen was in a bad place in his life, though he wouldn't go as far as to call it depression he was aware he'd hit rock bottom and still in denial, painful so.

He truly had a hard time dealing with it all, there was no question about that, but he tried his best to grab the new motivation the Mystics Arts offered him and move on... move on further on the subject to reclaim his life back, that is.

And after the months of being there, Stephen Strange found he rather liked the Kamar-Taj, the calm silence and pure air that came from the mountains was something he would never find in New York. Life didn't seem as bad as it was. Hhe was finally levelling up in life, he no longer felt like a failure, he felt capable now, because, after all his initial missteps, Stephen found his footing.

But as much as he would like to say he did it all by himself, he would be lying, and he does give credit where credit's due.

Some of the credit was due to this persistent, vexing voice on the back of his head called Carina Agamotto, the kid was a pain in the ass for Stephen at first, always on his business, sitting with him when all he wanted to do was to be alone, ignoring him when he told her so and forcing him to have lunch when he didn't want any.

He didn't understand why the girl had to be the one to help him around, and why she was so worried for him, he still doesn't but inevitably he grew to warm up to her, to care for her, and her annoying positive, outgoing little spirit because something about Carina was vaguely familiar to him, it took him a while but he figured it out; she reminds him of his little sister, Donna, albeit he doesn't remember exactly that way his sister was as many years had passed since her death but he still thought of her now and then. Being around Carina brought nothing but nostalgia for him because whenever Stephen found himself in her presence, flashes of his sister seem to thunder in his mind.

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