chapter one | ohio

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Y/N & Yelena: 10 years old

Staring out of the window wasn't going to make the moving trucks get to your new house any faster. But you had hope that it would. Today marked the start of your new life. The day you finally arrived at the new house you'll be calling home until your next move, which you hoped wouldn't be until you were heading off to college. 

You weren't happy being dragged halfway across the country, leaving all of your friends and family behind to start all over. You just hoped you could make at least one friend before heading into 6th grade, but moving in the middle of a school year you had your doubts.

'The moving trucks got a flat tire along the way. They won't be here for a few days,' You rolled your eyes after your mum got off the phone and announced the bad news. Another reason why you shouldn't have moved, you would still have all of your things and be able to sleep in your own bed.

You heard her moving around, unpacking the little belongings you decided to bring in the car with you. But you were unable to move. Staring outside you could imagine that you were back in your home town waiting for your best friend to arrive for your weekly movie night sleepover. Imagining that the move was all a bad dream. 

If you told anyone how you felt about the move they would call you ungrateful that you only thought about yourself and didn't understand how important this was. Your mum was a journalist and this was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. An opportunity for your mum to finally progress and get recognition in her career.

After all the bad that had happened in your mums life, though she makes sure you know that you aren't part of the bad, you were happy for her to get this opportunity. You had always been proud of your mum. She was the one who raised you and helped you become the person you are today. But just because you understood and were proud doesn't mean you couldn't be upset.

'Ugh Ohio sucks already,' Finally moving away from the window you slumped down on the floor with your back against the couch. Wrapping your arms around your legs, holding your knees close to your chest, you tried to work out what was on the tv. Though you quickly lost interest seeing that it was muted since your mum was back on the phone. Your gaze drifted back to the window you were just standing at.

'Bug we only just arrived today. You'll love it here once you give it a chance,' You appreciated that even with the bad that happened your mum still tried to cheer you up, 'How about pizza for dinner,' You perked up at the mention of pizza. Being only 10 pizza was definitely your favourite, especially if it meant not having to eat anything that your mum would make. You loved your mum and appreciated anything she gave you but it didn't make her a good cook by any means, 'after we buy you supplies for school tomorrow,' Your mum tapped your nose heading out the door to the car, leaving you to internally groan.

'I don't understand why I have to start school on a Wednesday. Can't I just stay home and wait until Monday? Maybe the trucks will get here by then and we wouldn't have to waste time buying all new things,' Trying to reason with your mum you knew wasn't going to get you anywhere but you still tried. It's what you hated most about your age. You couldn't wait to grow up.

'Nice try but you know why you have to start tomorrow. You've already missed a month,' She sighed out remembering how hard it was trying to get a school to accept your enrolment. And when she did find one it came with a bunch of conditions you had to follow. You'd never been good at making friends, which led you to have more time on your hands. Everyone always told you that you needed to apply yourself and you never understood why they were disappointed when you did apply yourself.

Granted you applied yourself in all the wrong things. Technically it was science related, was your defence when you would get in trouble for making concoctions and using them against others. Some would say you enjoyed pranking your classmates a bit too much. But the attention you gained from it, you went from being invisible to making others laugh and notice you. You even managed to make a best friend out of being the class clown.

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