chapter 4 | secrets and realisations

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Y/N & Yelena: 15 years old

'Okay spill,' Yelena closed your locker, making you turn to look at her. You furrowed your eyebrows at Yelena not understanding what she wanted from you, 'You've been acting weird. I've let it go for weeks not wanting to push it, but Y/N/N, I'm worried about you. I don't want you to keep pushing me away,'

'Nothing's wrong Lena,' You insisted but knew she wasn't convinced. Which was confirmed when she rolled her eyes. Luckily for you Wanda appeared at your locker so Yelena couldn't keep interrogating you.

'Ready for the fitness test today?' You and Yelena both groaned. You had tried to find a way out of it but Wanda had convinced you otherwise. And when you do something Yelena generally follows, mostly because it wouldn't be much fun ditching on her own.

Wanda never had to try hard to convince you to do things. It wasn't hard when all you wanted to do was impress her. The want and need to impress Wanda went as far as agreeing to continue to do the fitness test. Wanda's parents were strict which made it harder for Wanda to get away with the same things you and Yelena were able to. Not that your parents didn't care, they trusted you enough that they didn't feel the need to watch and monitor your every move.

You felt bad for Wanda knowing she was going to be compared to Pietro. Which you didn't think was fair. Pietro was the athletic type whereas Wanda was the opposite. You knew the comparisons were only one way after you found yourself comforting Wanda in the library one too many times lately.

Which is why you're still here today, not wanting Wanda to suffer alone. Yelena noticed small changes in you, she just couldn't figure out why. She had been worried you would end up replacing her for someone better. Someone like Wanda. Yelena was afraid of things changing any more than they already had.

'We'll catch up with you Wands,' Yelena said as the bell rang. Wanda hugged you both, lingering slightly when it came to you, before trudging towards first class.

'Sleepover at mine tonight. 7pm. Don't be late or else. I know where you live,' You couldn't help but laugh at Yelena trying to be tough and serious, 'Don't laugh at me,' Yelena pouted and hit your arm. Though soon enough she was bursting into fits of laughter with you.

Your mum was reluctant to let you go since you hadn't spent much time together lately. All you had to do was promise to spend the weekend together and she let you go. So at 7pm you arrived at your best friend's house. Yelena quickly pulled you inside and up to her room. Her parents were out for the night so Yelena thought it was the perfect night for any secret sharing.

'Juice boxes?' You asked with a slight smirk, not seeing any already in the room. There was one time when you forgot the juice boxes for one of your sleepovers and Yelena would never let you live it down. To the point where she would have juice boxes ready just in case. You were waiting for the day Yelena would forget so you would be even. Though Yelena was always too good and never forgot.

'Right here,' Yelena's cocky smirk came through as she threw one your way. When you walked in, you had missed the newest addition to her room. The mini fridge that was next to her bed, 'I got sick of having to walk down stairs whenever I wanted anything. Plus that means socialising with my parents,' Yelena made a face that caused you to laugh, 'It gets them off my back about eating since they think that's what the fridge is for,' Yelena chuckled and tried to brush off how your laughter died down almost suddenly, waiting for Yelena to tell you she was just joking around. But that didn't happen, causing your concern to rise instantly.

'You are eating though? Right Lena?' You couldn't pinpoint exactly when, but everyone noticed Yelena's eating habits change. She would eat but it wasn't nearly enough, though no one knew what to do or say. Yelena's parents put it down to her being picky about food since they had previously said they had trouble with her when she was little. But you were concerned about your best friend, there was a part of you that believed it ran deeper than Yelena led on.

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