chapter two | where it began

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Y/N & Yelena 11 years old / Natasha 16 years old

'Y/N!' You were tackled by Yelena, a tight hug as if she hadn't seen you in days. When in reality it had only been a few hours. You arrived at your neighbours house to have your weekly movie night with Yelena. At first, for you, it was bittersweet. This was something that you had done with your best friend before you moved. You felt like you were replacing and forgetting about your old friends, which caused you to be hesitant. But after a while you warmed up to the idea. 

Yelena's beaming eyes as she talked about the next movie she wanted to watch with you, you could never say no to her. None of your friends had reached out and when you reached out, you received nothing in return. It sucked but you didn't dwell on it for long. 

'Friends, they come and go. Just live your life for you. Make yourself happy. Replace old memories with new ones and don't be afraid to move on,' Natasha comforted you when she found you crying in the bathroom. The movie Yelena had chosen that night was your ex-best friends favourite movie. All of the emotions, memories and feelings of missing her became overwhelming. You hadn't considered anyone finding you. 

Natasha had given you some great advice. Now you found yourself remembering her words whenever you needed that comfort. She wasn't always friendly or warm towards you, most likely because you were Yelena's best friend and to her you were just another pesky 11 year old. Also the endless pranks you both would pull on her. So that rare occasion she didn't roll her eyes or make a sarcastic remark, you remembered that not thinking it would happen again.

'Did you bring it?' Yelena asked you like she was asking if you brought something into her house that you shouldn't have. 

'Did Y/N bring what?' Natasha's voice beamed from behind Yelena. When their parents weren't home Natasha had to be there if Yelena insisted on opening the door. Even if they knew it was you.

'Nothing,' Yelena turned around to face her older sister, crossing her arms and glaring. Natasha let out a dry laugh, clearly unimpressed and not intimidated by her younger sister.

'Nat, I got one for you too,' Your shy voice cut the tension that was growing between the two sisters. Natasha raised her eyebrow looking at you as you dug through your bag. You couldn't read her expression on her face when you handed her the juice box. You and Yelena were notorious for your juice box obsession. Both your parents knew to always have them on hand whenever you were hanging out together, which was majority of the time. 

'A juice box? I'm not five,' Natasha rolled her eyes. But when she saw your face fall and your arm drop slightly, her face softened. She'll never admit but she had a soft spot for you. You may not have been as annoying as Yelena, but to Natasha you were still somewhat annoying. But that doesn't mean she wants to see you upset, 'But I'm going to take it anyway,' Natasha snatched the juice box from you. Poking it and drinking as she left you both.

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Yelena turned to you. Her eyes were wide and she had the biggest smile on her face. The credits to the movie that just finished were still rolling. You knew from the look on her face that she had an idea that she wasn't going to let go, 'We should do that!' Yelena stood up from the beanbag on the floor and ran off to her desk.

'Do what?' You were confused but eager to find out what she was referring to. 

'Make a list of rules. Then our friendship will last just as long as their friendship did,' Yelena spoke matter of factly. Offended that you couldn't read her mind and share the same thoughts as her. You thought about and couldn't find a reason against making your own friendship rules. Yelena took your silence as you agreeing with her.

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