chapter three | dinner with the neighbours

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Y/N & Yelena: 15 years old / Natasha: 20 years old

'Y/N! Don't forget we're going next door for dinner tonight, make sure you're back down by 6!' You hummed a sound of acknowledgement as your mum yelled. Walking through the front door and running upstairs had become a regular routine, your mum only seeing you for dinner most nights. Luckily for you she had put it down that you were stressed over school, wanting to do well and get good grades. Her mind never crossed anything else. That's why you had a pile of, 'how to manage stress and school', books on your desk. You read them anyway for a good laugh when you were stressed. They helped in the way they weren't supposed to.

Never would it cross your mums mind that you were up in your room contemplating your sexuality for the millionth time. It seemed to be the only thing you could concentrate on, though you managed to keep up your grades as an appearance. A sudden drop in grades would indicate that something was wrong, you would then be forced to either open up about this or have a really good lie ready. Things had become harder over the years, you weren't that carefree 11 year old who would pull pranks with their best friend. 

Talking about Yelena, the only reason you still had a friendship with her was because of those rules. Your weekly movie night, along with your mum constantly organising a dinner with your neighbours, kept your friendship with Yelena strong. While you tried to isolate yourself away from everyone while trying to figure yourself out. Yelena had made friends with the Maximoff twins. She promised you that you would both stay each others best friends. You weren't worried about that. 

The addition of Wanda is what worried you the most. It was different with Yelena. You had known each other since you were little, you saw her more like the sister you never had. But Wanda made you even more confused. As you got older you started noticing girls more than boys and Wanda was one of them. It stressed you out, but the Maximoff twins were here to stay. You loved having them both around, it really added to your already seemingly perfect friendship with Yelena.

Pietro and Yelena were basically the same person but in different fonts, which made it easy for him to fit in with your prank ideas. He even had some great ones of his own. Even though Wanda would roll her eyes at your antics she would still always be with the rest of you. The four of you causing mayhem throughout the school. While not much changed in the group dynamic, a lot changed with yourself. You were sure it was just Wanda's style that you liked, but then why do you feel the way you do when you're around her. You just couldn't understand why you got nervous around her. Trying to make yourself believe that you just wanted to be like her, like she was too cool to be involved with you and Yelena.

You grabbed your laptop sitting it on the desk in front of you. Looking at the clock you had about two hours before your mum wanted you back downstairs for dinner. Plenty of time to finish off your homework and revise the chapter topics. When you opened the web browser you hovered the cursor over the one tab you've been contemplating opening for days. Taking a deep breath you looked around making sure no one was secretly watching you. 

'Am I gay? quiz' the title of the webpage was staring at you. Suddenly you had lost all confidence to even think about taking the test, 'Y/N!' You jumped, startled by the sound of your mum calling for you. Looking at the clock it had been two hours. You had spent that whole time staring at that quiz. Not wanting to keep anyone waiting you quickly shut your laptop, one important thing you forgot to do was switch the open tab. 


'Nat,' You were surprised when the older of the sisters opened the door to let your mum and yourself in. You hadn't seen Natasha in two years since she left for college. She had been home since the last time you saw her, but you never managed to be in the same place at the same time with her.

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