drabble | natasha leaves for college

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***A/N***hi, so i post this on tumblr first and i've been doing separate drabbles/short stories for this series. it's easier to keep drabbles separate from the main story but i wanted to share them on here too. so here's how this will go:

- drabbles are basically considered side stories
- these are things that aren't seen in the main story (could be bc of time jumps, doesn't fit in the flow of the chapter or story etc)
- they aren't required to be read for the main story to make sense
- these are just nice little fillers for you while i write more chapters, they won't impact on the main story at all
- the main story will be any chapter that doesn't have *drabble* at the end of the title name

hope this makes sense! And I hope you like these drabbles when i post them, they won't be all the time and feel free to give ideas if there's anything you'd like me to expand on from the main story into a drabble :)) i've nearly finished the next chapter as well sorry it's taken so long!


'I am happy for her, you know?' Yelena spoke her thoughts to you out loud. It was the day before Natasha left for college, and maybe for good, so Melina and Alexei decided to throw a small barbeque gathering with all their closest family and friends. Almost as soon as you arrived Yelena dragged you away to the back corner of the yard, a spot that was made for the two of you so you could be outside and have some privacy. Though you could still see the party from where you were sitting, 'I'm happy she's finally getting what she's wanted. But do you know how hard it's been listening to her talking about it? Talking about how much she's wanted to leave for the last few years?' Yelena took a breath, the glare was still prominent as she watched her older sister happily talking to the guests, 'Did you apparently know that nothing and no one here brings her joy?'

'Ouch,' There was a small pang in your chest when Yelena told you that. All the times when Natasha would hang out with the two of you unprompted, or take you to the mall or out to grab ice cream, it felt like none of that mattered anymore. But this wasn't about you. You pushed away these feelings that were bubbling in your chest and focused on your best friend. It was her sister after all.

'Yep, I'm her sister. We've gone through so much together and I thought it meant something. But she made me feel like I meant nothing to her. Is she even going to miss me like I'm going to miss her?' You could hear the pain laced in Yelena's voice, she finally looked away towards you. You could see the small build up of tears in her eyes, 'I just wish I wasn't so much younger. Then I could go with her. It's selfish, I know, but I feel like she's going to leave me behind and she's going to forget about me,'

'Lena,' You sighed and moved so you were sitting next to her. You wrapped an arm around her, bringing her into your side, 'No matter how far away she is, she's still your big sister. I just know Nat will always be there for you no matter what. Going to college is an exciting time. Your sister is experiencing some new things. And while for Nat it seems to be the best thing, that won't last long. Once the novelty of college is worn off she'll be your Nat again,' You tried to reassure Yelena without invalidating how she was feeling. It was normal for both Natasha and Yelena to be feeling the way they do.

You managed to get a smile and laugh out of Yelena before your mum called your name saying it was time to go home. While your mum was saying her goodbyes you spotted Natasha alone in the kitchen. Taking this as your chance, you moved into the kitchen hoping no one would follow you.

'Hey Y/N-'

'I need you to listen to me. I have one very upset best friend and I would do anything to make sure she is happy, even if that means doing this,' Natasha furrowed her eyebrows not knowing where you were going, 'Natasha you need to talk to Yelena. I get it's exciting going off to college where you'll meet new people. But none of those will be your sister. You won't get to see her for months at a time, won't you miss her?'

'Of course I'll miss her,'

'Well she doesn't seem to think that,' You didn't get to say much more before your mum interrupted saying her goodbyes to Natasha.

The next day you stood out the front with Yelena and her family. The adults were making sure Natasha's car was packed and that she had everything she needed. While they were going through the insanely long checklist Yelena was telling you about the amazing night she had with Natasha. Natasha apologised to Yelena and told her that it wasn't intentional, that she didn't realise. They spent the whole night together, watching movies and eating popcorn. It was just like normal. You smiled the whole time Yelena told you. Your best friend was beaming with a bright smile and you couldn't be happier. When Yelena was happy, you were happy.

'Mum, dad, I have everything. Let me go, it's okay,' Natasha groaned and rolled her eyes as they kept pestering her. Some emotional goodbyes were shared between Natasha and her family.

You didn't expect when Natasha came over to you, 'I'm counting on you to keep my sister out of trouble even though I know you're the bigger trouble maker out of the two of you,' You both laughed, 'I'll miss you Y/N. As annoying as you are, it's nice having you around. Don't forget about me, okay?'

'I could never forget about you Natasha,' You told her with your whole heart, it was true. Forgetting about Natasha would be an impossible task.

'I won't forget you either, cya round,' Natasha leaned down to give you a hug. It was bigger and longer than you expected from her. You then realised that you meant more to Natasha then she would ever let on. Even though she was leaving, she had left you with your heart happy.

You walked over to where Yelena was standing as everyone waved Natasha off. Yelena looked towards you. She knew it was you who spoke to Natasha, no one would or has ever stood up for her like you did, 'Thank you,'  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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