Meet My Characters

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[Meet Gabriel "Gabe" Itzel]

Ranger Color:

Ranger Position:
Core Member (Core Member: A member that started from the beginning)

Ranger Kanji/Element:
冰 Ice

Roll Call:
"White Ranger, Ready!"

Deer Foldingzord: Heptagon

Cryo Crossbow

Love Interest:
Jayden Shiba

Short Blonde Hair
Blue Eyes
Wears anything White

Gabriel Itzel's family are great friends to Kevin's family. Gabe and Kevin have been bestfriends since they were young, they see each other as brothers. Gabe's family moved to another country, but because his family knew that he is in-line to be the next White Samurai Ranger, Kevin's family took care of him. Now Gabriel must fight alongside the other Samurai Rangers, to defeat Master Xandred.


[Meet Luka Evermore]

Ranger Color:

Ranger Position:
Auxiliary Member (Auxiliary Member: A member that started after the core members are found)

Ranger Kanji/Element:
雷 Thunder

Roll Call:
"Purple Ranger, Ready!"

Wolf Foldingzord: Star

Electro Hammer

Love Interest:
Mike Fernandaz (A/N: Last Name might be wrong, but I have no idea)

Short Brown Hair
Green Eyes
Usually likes to wear his Black Leather Jacket
Wears anything Purple

Luka Evermore is the adopted son of Ji, who is the mentor to the other Rangers. He has been friends with both Jayden and Antonio, since he was young. He was also one of the few people, that knows about Jayden's sister. Luka has been in the Shiba House, since he was a baby. From what he understand, his mother died giving birth to him, and his father, biological father, was out of the picture, even before he was born.
The Purple Ranger's family line came from his mother's side of the family. Who was his first adoptive father's sister. His adoptive father, also has a husband, who was the holder of the Eagle Disc.
Both his adoptive dads were big pillars of support, since his childhood. Until the day, they were in an accident, before the war between the Samurai Rangers and Nighloks.
After the incident, he was adopted by his legal guardian, Ji. Who is also the legal guardian of Jayden.
Things have been a bit rough for Luka, almost a year before the Samurai Rangers were formed, he decided to explore the country, for a bit.
And on the day he came back to Panorama City, was also the day he met Mike, the Green Samurai Ranger.
Ever since then, he has helped the Samurai Rangers with their fights, against the Nighloks.

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