Chapter Two: Origins, Part 2

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Gabe POV

All of us are outside of the Shiba House with canvases. "There is more to being a Power Ranger, than mastering a sword. You must also use your inherited samurai symbols." Mentor Ji said.

Jayden wrote the "火" Fire Symbol, and the symbol got on fire, as well as his brush, Jayden puts out the fire. "Aha, Fire Symbol." Mentor Ji said.

Kevin wrote the "沫" Water(Splash) Symbol, and it splashed water at him. "Yes, water." Mentor Ji said. Kevin coughed.

Emily wrote the "石" Earth(Stone) Symbol, and it made a stone, that hit's Kevin's foot. "Good, Earth Symbol." Mentor Ji said. Kevin screams in pain. "Oh, sorry. Are you okay?" Emily asked. "Yea, I'm fine." Kevin replied.

Mia wrote the "風" Sky(Wind) Symbol, and it created a gust of wind. "The Symbol for Wind. Very good." Mentor Ji said.

I wrote the "雪" Ice(Snow) Symbol, and it starts by creating bits of snow. "Ah, the Snow Symbol." Mentor Ji said. Suddenly the Symbol burst. I ducked in time, and snow covered almost everywhere behind me. "The Ice Symbol, considered to be one of the strongest amongst the six." Mentor Ji said. The snow evaporated. I laughed nervously. "I hope that doesn't happen again." I muttered.

Mike was struggling to get his "草" Forest(Grass) Symbol correct. "That's not right, is that it? That's it." Mike said, and nothing happened. "The order of the strokes is wrong, Mike you must practice more." Mentor Ji said.

"Okay, I get it. Practice." Mike said. He stared at his canvas a bit, than turned to Mentor Ji. "How about a lunch break? You'd be amaze of how well I practice, after I ate a slice of pizza." Mike said.


Me, and Kevin are inside of the Shiba House, wearing our samurai uniforms.

Kevin was practicing with a punching bag, while I was watching him. Mike was watching as well, but he sipped his drink loudly, causing Kevin to stop for a bit.

"Hey, Kev, Gabe, you two wanna take a break?" Mike asked. "Every second you're not training, is a second wasted." Kevin said. "Okay, just asking." Mike said. Mike sips on his drink loudly again. Kevin stops. "Alright, let's see if practice makes perfect." Mike said.

Kevin, and Mike begin practicing. Mia came in. "Hey, guys. I can't find Emily." Mia said. We looked over to Mia.


We are now outside in our casual outfits, looking for Emily.

I am wearing a White Turtle-Neck Sweater & Black Pants.

We meet up in a building. "Any sign of Emily?" Mia asked. "No." Kevin said. "I didn't find her, either." I said. "Mike, how about you?" Mia asked. "How about what?" Mike asked. "About, Emily. Were you even looking for her?" Kevin said.

"Yeah, but I got hungry." Mike said. We shook our heads in disbelief. "Emily, probably went outside, sight-seeing, shopping or something. I'm sure, she's okay." Mike said. "I don't know, she's a country girl, she wouldn't wander around the city, by herself." Mia said.

"Want a bite?" Mike asked Kevin. "No thanks, I don't snack between meals, while I'm samurai training." Kevin said. "When aren't you in training?" Mike said. "That's the thing. He never." I said.

"Wow, you're really serious about this samurai lifestyle." Mia said. "Of course, aren't you?" Kevin asked. "Yes, but I also want to have a normal life, you know find my prince charming one day." Mia said.

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