Chapter Four: Deal with a Nighlok

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[Gabriel "Gabe" Itzel]

Today the six of us were outside of the dojo, training.

Kevin and Emily were training with their Kendo.
Mia was training her punches.
Jayden is teaching me how to wield my Kendo.
Mike was learning to write a new symbol.

Mike successfully wrote the symbol, and he whooped. "I finally did it! Boo-yah!"

"Yeah, you sure did!" Emily said.

"Great job!" I said, giving him a thumbs-up. And went back to focusing on my training with Jayden.

Kevin went up to Mike, and did the same thing he did to Emily: being worried. Mike was a bit weirded out. He did the same thing with Mia.

Jayden and I stopped training, and look at Kevin. Mike came towards us.

"What's up with Kevin? Why is he so worried about everyone?" Mike asked.

"I don't know, he's been like this since yesterday." Mentor Ji said. "Any idea, Gabe?" He asked, looking at me. Jayden and Mike did as well.

"Well... I might know why, but I'm not gonna tell you." I told them, still looking at Kevin being worried. "I'll tell you, only if Kevin wants me to." I said, turning towards the three.

I saw Kevin coming towards me. "Hey-" He starts.

"Yes, yes, I know." I said, roiling my eyes. "If I ever need someone to rely on, I can always go to you. Just because my family move away, and left me here, just so I can one day fulfill my destiny to become a Ranger. Doesn't mean, I'm not happy." I lied.

Honestly I didn't want to lie to Kevin and the others. But sometimes, certain things are better off left unknown, or forgotten.

Kevin sighed through his nose, smiling. "Hey, I'm here for yo, man." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, alright." I said, smiling. Happy to know I have a bestfriend like him.

And for some reason I felt a pair of eyes on me. Sure, there are like three pairs of eyes looking at me, but I felt one of pairs was looking at me, a bit intensely.


The six of us arrived at the area where a Nighlok was.

"Hey!" Jayden called, catching the Nighlok's attention.

"What?!" Doubletone exclaimed. He moved away, before Jayden could strike him. But unfortunately for him, Kevin and Mike kicked the Nighlok down.

Emily, Mia and I went towards the boy.

"Are you okay?" Mia asked.

"He can't hurt you, now." I told him.

"Nighlo, what kid of mischief are you up to, now?" Jayden asked.

"Nothing. We're friends, right?" Doubletone asked, looking back at the boy.

"You're lying! Back off!" Mike said.

"Run away, as fast as you can!" Emily told the boy.

The boy quickly stood up, and ran away.

"Stay out of my business!" Doubletone said.

"Oh yeah?" Jayden said.

"Come on!" Mia said.

The six of us ran towards Doubletone.

"Hey, didn't I warn you to mind your business?" Doubletone questioned, as he attack and throws us off. "Fighting you Rangers, is like a walk in the park, for me!" He kicked Jayden down. "Your turn, girls and boy!" He said.

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