Chapter Six: Sticks and Stones

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A/N: Obviously Emily wont have feelings for Mike in this book, and vice versa. So, think of it as more of a Siblings relationship.

Luka Evermore's profile has been added, go check it out in "Meet My Characters".

[3rd Person]

Today six out of the seven Rangers were training their with bamboo swords, going up against each other. All the Rangers were in their training uniforms.

Kevin and Mia.
Mike and Emily.
Gabe and Luka.

Ji and Jayden were observing them.

Luka and Gabe were doing well on their own, especially Luka since he has trained since he was young.

Emily was very focused on her sword skill, and hits Mike. Making the Green Ranger fell on his back.

Luka and Gabe stopped their training, and looked over towards where Mike and Emily were.

"Emily's usually the one falling over, but it's different when she has a sword in her hand." Ji said.

"Maybe she can teach Mike a few things." Jayden commented.

"Whoa, you two alright?" Luka asked, him and Gabe got to both the Green Ranger and Yellow Ranger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It-" Emily said.

"Whoa, slow down there, Em." Gabe said, stopping Emily for a bit. "We get it, it was an accident." He reassured her. Emily nodded.

Mike stood back up.

"Hey, Loco. You, alright?" Luka asked, he went towards Mike. "We should really get that injury checked." He said, trying to check the injury, getting closer towards Mike.

Mike blushes a bit, at how close he was to Luka. He quickly hid it. "No thanks, I'm fine." He reassured, and went towards the doors.

"Mike, wait!" Emily called, she ran after Mike. Followed by the White Ranger and Purple Ranger.

Kevin and Mia stopped, to look at the four.

Luka was behind a bit, he looked towards where his father and Jayden are. "Um, let's stop the training for now, alright? Alright." He said, and went in.

Ji sighed through his nose.

"Mentor Ji, your overprotectiveness is showing." Gabe commented, not stopping and went into the Shiba House.

The Rangers who are still outside looked towards their Mentor, who sighed and shook his head.


Everyone is now back inside the Shiba House.

Mike was sitting on an Ottoman, rubbing his back. Luka was sitting next to him, he temporarily stopped his worrying for Mike, he just worries in silent and not expressing it.

"Gabe, I need your help." Emily called. Gabe went towards where Emily is, and saw a pot with some bags of peas in them. "Could you.." She trailed off.

Gabe knowing what Emily needed, he nodded. He got out his Samuraizer, and wrote the "凍結" Freeze Symbol, and it froze the bags.

Emily thanked Gabe, she grabbed a bag, and went towards Mike. "Here you go." She said, holding it out towards him.

"Frozen peas?" Mike questioned, his eyes were wide opened.

"It's like a ice pack, I was accident prone as a kid, and it always healed me right up." Emily said.

"Aw, that's sweet of you, Emmie." Luka said, happy about her kind gesture.

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