Chapter Eight: There Go the Brides

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[3rd Person]

Today was a... well, no one really knows what's happening.

Inside of a building, the sounds of a piano played.

The Rangers, including Ji were inside of the building, in their formal wears.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to day, to join these two couples in matrimony." One of Ji's friend, who is acting as an wedding officiant. "This occasion marks a celebration of love and commitment." He continued.

"With this man," Referring to Jayden. "And this woman." Referring to Mia.
"This man," Referring to Mike. "And this man." Referring to Luka.
"Begin their lives together." The wedding officiant said.

Mia looks to her right and looks at Jayden, whereas the Red Ranger kept his gaze forward the entire time.

Mike glances at Luka, not moving his head, but moving his eyes to look at the Purple Ranger. Luka did the same as Mike, glancing at the Green Ranger with his side eyes, raising an eyebrow. Mike hurriedly look back forward, blushing a bit in embarrassment, for getting caught staring at him.

The placement were seen as such, Mia on the left, and Jayden on the right.
Whereas for the Green and Purple Rangers, Mike on the left, and Luka on the right.

As the wedding officiant continues, Ji were on the right side of the seats, since he is family with Jayden and Luka. Ji took out a piece of cloth, and wipes his tears, sniffing a little.

Though, this is not a real wedding, Ji was mentally preparing himself as this day might one day come. Although, he is happy, if Jayden will one day be getting married, it is not the same for Luka.

Ji has seen Luka as his son, even before he officially adopted him. That, and one or two traumatic events that happened in Luka's younger days, he's grown very protective for the Purple Ranger.

Kevin, Emily and Gabe were on the left side, at their seats.

Gabe was sitting next to Emily, while Kevin sat behind them.

The White Ranger saw their Mentor wiping a tear from his eyes. "Man, weddings can make anyone emotional, huh?" He asked, looking behind him, and stopped when he saw Kevin crying a bit.

Kevin saw Gabe seeing him, and quickly stopped. "It's just allergies, the flowers." He said, trying to cover it up.

"Uh-huh." Gabe said, with a deadpan expression, not believing it.

"Wow, Mia looks so beautiful." Emily said, seeing Mia wearing a dress.

"I know, right?" Gabe asked, turning back around, and continue watching the wedding. "And I gotta say. Jay, Mike and Luka, really pulled off their suits." He said, noting how the three Rangers looks good in suits, especially the Red Ranger, in his opinion.

The wedding continues, and as it was about to reach the end, Ji was informed about the kidnap.

"They took the bride?" Ji exclaimed, his Golden Samuraizer was next to his ear. "Okay." He said. The Rangers all stood up, and faced their Mentor. "The Nighloks didn't take the bait." He informed.

"I thought our fake wedding would've worked for sure." Emily said.

"Not this time, the Moogers stormed the church downtown." Ji said. "And kidnapped another bride." He said.

Everyone was feeling slightly dejected.


The Rangers and their Mentor were now back at the Shiba House.

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