Chapter Three: The Team Unites

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[Gabriel "Gabe" Itzel]

The six of us are in our Samurai Uniforms, we were outside of the dojo training.

Kevin and Mike were training together. While I was training with Emily and Mia.

"The life of a samurai must be one of discipline, and order." Mentor Ji said. "Samurais must constantly improve their skills. To ready themselves for battle."

Kevin accidentally hits Mike with his Bamboo Sword. "Ow!" Mike exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Jayden asked, he walked towards them.

"Of course." Mike replied.

"Get into your opponent's head, use your instincts to sense their next move, and feel their attack coming." Jayden told Mike. He went to hit Kevin with his Bamboo Sword, but Kevin dodges in time.

"Wow Kevin, that's amazing-" Mike starts, but he got hit. "Argh!" He said, and held his shoulder.

"Mike, always keep your guard up." Jayden told him.

"Mike, let me ask you this." Mentor Ji said. Gaining Mike's attention, while Jayden went to strike him.

"Hey, that's not fair. He distracted me." Mike said. "Okay, I get it. Let me try again. One more time." He dodged one of Jayden's attack, but got hit from the second.

"Now watch this." Jayden told Mike. He begins to attack Kevin, while the later dodges.

I saw Mike walking away, but I didn't follow him. He needs some time alone.

Kevin got back up, and his pants fell off.

Emily, Mia and I laughed, seeing his polka-dots shorts.

"Hey, where did Mike go?" Emily asked, noticing him gone.

Everyone looked around.

"Oh, he left a while ago." I said.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Kevin asked.

"I figured he needs some time to himself, we have been training all day, after all." I said.

Everyone agrees with me.


[3rd Person]

Mike was at the arcade, with his friends. He was playing an arcade game, while his friends watch him play.

Mike and his friends went out of the arcade. The three planned on going somewhere for lunch. As they were walking by an area, Mike heard noises, coming from another side of a wall. He went to go check it out, while telling his friends to grab a table first.

As Mike turns a corner, he saw a very attractive lightly-tanned guy, brown hair, green eyes, wearing a black leather jacket, purple shirt, and blue jeans. The guy has an annoyed faced, as two other guys who are slightly bigger cornering him.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing here, all by yourself?" Stranger #1 asked, looking at the attractive guy Mike was interested in, he had a scowl. The Stranger lifted the Attractive Guy's chin.

"Oh, you know. Just leaving." Attractive Guy sad, gritting his teeth. He slapped the Stranger's hand away. "And get your hand off me." He said, glaring at the two.

"Hey-" Stranger #2 started, Stranger #1 stopped him.

"How about you come with me, and I'll show you a good time." Stranger #1 told the Attractive Guy.

The Attractive Guy gave the stranger a humorless laugh. "No." He said. "I am not going anywhere with either of you, you Gaston-and-LeFou wannabes." He said.

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