Chapter Five: Day Off

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[Gabriel "Gabe" Itzel]

Kevin, Emily, Mia and I were at the Shiba house training. The four of us were in our uniforms.

"Hey, guys!" Mike called, he came in, in his casual outfit, and holding his skateboard. "Guess what?" He told us.

The four of us stopped, and turned our attention to Mike.

"You overslept?" Kevin said, drying himself with a towel. "Again." He added.

We laughed a bit.

"Yeah, well, that's nothing new." Mike said.

"So, what's up?" Emily asked.

"Ji's just told me, he wants us to have a day off." Mike said.

"Really?" Emily asked.

"This isn't a joke?" Mia asked.

"We get a day off?" I asked.

"But, we just started our workout." Kevin said, he kicks the punching bag.

"Dude, you telling me, you're going to disobey, a direct order from your Samurai Mentor?" Mike asked. Clearly knowing how to get Kevin to agree.

"Well, I guess not." Kevin said.

Emily and I laughed.

"What to do?" Mia asked, thinking. "I could shop for shoes, that aren't design for fighting monsters. Or I could catch a..."

"But it's such a beautiful day." Emily said. "It'd be a shame to stay cooped up, inside."

"Definitely." I said, agreeing with Emily.

"Em, Gabe, I could teach you two how to shred." Mike said, holding his skateboard and helmet out.

"Well, I was thinking Rainbow's End." Emily said, suggesting an Amusement Park. "I've never been on a roller coaster, before."

"And I've never been to one." I said.

"What? Never?" Mike asked, disbelief.

"They don't have Amusement Parks, from where I'm from." Emily said.

"And I never really had the time for Amusement Parks, back then." I said, shrugging.

"Then it's settled." Mia said.

"Rainbow's End, here we come!" Mike excitedly said.

The five of us were excited, and made our way towards the door. There we saw Jayden, had just arrived.

"Jayden, we're going to the Amusement Park." Kevin told him.

"Have fun." Jayden said, walking pass us.

"You're not coming with us?" Kevin asked.

"Not this time, there's something I need to do." Jayden said, and walks away.

"Okay, when we're back, we'll make sure to keep you updated." I told him, not sure if he heard me.

"He's so mysterious sometimes, I wonder what's so important?" Mia said.

"Our day off, is a wasting." Mike said, he was at the door. "Jayden can take care of himself, come on!" He said, and we went to follow him.


The five of us were now at the Amusement Park.

We were walking around, admiring the place.

"I wonder why Jayden didn't come." Kevin said.

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