Chapter 1

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~Casey's P.O.V~

"Alan, why do I have to be here?" I ask Alan, who I'm currently standing next to, while putting comic books on the shelf.

"Because," he replies, not looking away from what he was seemingly concentrating on.

"Because...?" I tried getting him to actually answer my question. All he did was continue to put comics on the shelf. It was quiet throught the store for a moment until I noticed a guy walk in. He was wearing a loud shirt with a long coat thing over it. Alan must have noticed too because when I looked over at him he was already staring at the new guy. Before I could say anything to Alan, he grabed my hand and pulled me behind him. We walked over to Edgar and they continued to stare at the boy.

"Got a problem guys?" the kid asked, continuing to walk away.

"Just scoping your civilian wardrobe," Edgar said, calmly. We continued to walk behind him.

"Pretty cool, huh?" the guy asked.

"For a fashion victim," Alan replied.

"Listen buddy, if you're looking for the diet frozen yogurt bar it went outta business last summer," Edgar said.

"Actually, I'm looking for a Batman #14" the still unknown kid said.

"That's a very serious issue man" Edgar said, as we stopped in front of the Batman comics.

"Only five in existence," Alan said.

"Four, actually," he replied. "I'm always looking out for the other three." he informed us.

"Ya know, you can't put the Superman #77 with the 200's. They haven't even discovered red kryptonite yet." The guy said, matter of factly. "And you can't put the #98 with the 300's. Lori Lemaris hasn't even been introduced." he continued. He was really getting annoying. Acting like he knew everything.

"Where the hell are you from, Krypton?" Edgar asked. I couldn't help but smile.

"Phoenix, actually." The guy replied, acting, once again, cool. "But lucky me, we" he continued, spreading out his arms.

Edgar handed me a comic book. It was Vampires Everywhere. I guess he wanted me to give the guy the comic so I said, "Hey take this."

"No thanks. I don't like horror comics." he replied, turning down the comic I was trying to hand to him.

"You'll like this one," Edgar said.

"It could save your life," I said.

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