Chapter 6

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So, I realize its been a awhile since i've updated. Sorry about that. And i'm sorry for bad grammar and capitolization, i'm on my computer and i don't care about grammar right now. Okay, carry on with the story...


*Casey's Pov*

Now that Max 'isn't' the head vampire, we have to find the real one. But, they already have. Alan, Edgar, and I walked up to the door of Sam's house. He opened the door, and we walked in.

"Okay, where's Nosferatu? The Prince of Darkness." Edgar said.

"The Nightcrawler. The Bloodsucker." Alan kept going on.

"El Vampiro," Edgar finished. I'm not even sure, is that supposed to be considered rude?

"They're here Michael! Come down!" Sam shouted up the stairs. Michael came down the stairs. He was weak. He had dark sunglasses on. "This guy looks more like a zombie," Edgar said. I rolled my eyes. Alan pulled a steak from his back pack. "Should i run him through?" He asked. I hit his arm, not too hard.

"I've only got one question for you, and I want a honest answer. Have you taken any human victims yet?" I asked.

"Of course not!" Michael shouted.

"If you're telling the truth, it means we can save you." Edgar said.

"He's telling the truth!" Sam protested. "Aren't you, Michael?"

"To free you, we must destroy the lead vampire." Edgar said.

"David." was all Michael said. No, he's not the head.

"Are you sure?" I asked, concerned. I was concerned, only for David. He's gonna either end up dying, or killing them.

"Yes... I'm sure...." He assured.

"Well, we don't want names! Lead us to him! Where's their nest?" Edgar demanded.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Michael said.

"You can barely stand up. Besides... We can't trust you. You're practically one of them." Alan said. Why do I hang out with them? Oh, right. They're my only friends...

"I said I'll take you there. Nobody's going near Star with out me." Michael said, grabbing onto Edgar's arm.

"Okay, okay." Edgar said. Michael let go of Edgar, and Edgar rubbed his arm. "Vampires have such rotten tempers." Edgar said, before we left. How do I survive with them?

okeay... another chapter. so, i wasnt writing this how i normally do. I was reading a sscript, but it was different from the movie. It was close enough... so yeah... i would've written it normal but... i was listening to Trevor Moran... so thats my excuse... anyway, i hope you liked this chapter. ill try to update soon! :)

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